Recent Fire Damage Posts

Comprehensive Fire Damage Restoration in San Antonio

6/24/2024 (Permalink)

a home with fire damage to the roof SERVPRO of Braun Station's expert team addresses extensive fire damage to a home, turning devastation into recovery.

Why Professional Fire Cleanup is Crucial

Fire damage assistance is crucial for homeowners facing the aftermath of a fire. Fires can cause extensive damage, leaving homes uninhabitable and posing safety risks. SERVPRO®'s professional services ensure that dwellings are restored completely. Understanding the process and tools used in fire damage mitigation can help homeowners appreciate the importance of professional intervention.

What Professional Fire Damage Cleanup Means

Professional fire damage restoration is essential for restoring San Antonio homes to their pre-fire condition. SERVPRO uses advanced techniques and equipment to address all aspects of fire damage, from smoke residue to structural damage. This broad approach ensures that all damage is mitigated correctly, preventing further issues and ensuring the home's and its occupants' safety.

SERVPRO's Fire Damage Restoration Process

SERVPRO utilizes specialized equipment and techniques to handle fire damage restoration effectively. Their process includes:

  • Controlled Demolition: Charred building materials get carefully removed to ensure safety and prevent further damage.
  • Smoke and Soot Removal: SERVPRO uses professional methods to differentiate between wet and dry smoke. Incorrect removal of dry smoke can worsen the damage, highlighting the need for professional cleanup.
  • Deodorization: Advanced equipment such as air scrubbers and thermal foggers are used to eliminate smoke odors.
  • Water Removal and Drying: Techs extract the water used in firefighting, and the affected areas are dried using dehumidifiers and air movers.

Detailed Equipment Used in Fire Damage Restoration

SERVPRO employs advanced equipment to ensure thorough fire damage restoration, including air scrubbers to remove airborne particles and improve air quality, thermal foggers to neutralize smoke odors using a heated deodorizing agent, hydroxyl generators to decompose odors safely using UV light, dehumidifiers to reduce moisture levels and prevent mold growth, and HEPA vacuums to capture fine soot particles from surfaces.

Fire damage restoration in San Antonio is a complex process that requires professional restoration expertise and advanced equipment. SERVPRO's comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of fire damage are addressed, from water damage issues to smoke odor removal, no matter if the fire occurred in a tiny she-shed or the Tower of the Americas building.

San Antonio property owners trust SERVPRO of Braun Station at (210) 267-2159 with their fire damage restoration needs. We are available 24/7 and Here to Help®.

Trust SERVPRO for Dependable Fire Damage Cleanup in San Antonio

5/21/2023 (Permalink)

a fire damaged room with soot covering the ceiling and walls SERVPRO technicians have access to the latest equipment to help make the fire that occurred in your home a far off memory. Call SERVPRO 24/7.

SERVPRO Offers Comprehensive Fire Damage Cleanup in San Antonio Home

Even after the flames have been put out, the lingering odor of smoke can be a constant reminder of the fire disaster. Professional restoration companies, like SERVPRO, have the expertise and equipment to remove smoke odor during the fire damage cleanup of your San Antonio home. 

SERVPRO techs use various odor control measures during the fire cleanup of your San Antonio home, depending on the source and intensity of the odor. SERVPRO techs often use multiple methods during the restoration process to increase the efficiency of odor elimination. 

Deodorizing After Smoke Damage 

The biggest challenge SERVPRO techs face during deodorizing fire-damaged homes is reaching the odor-causing smoke particles hidden in pores and surface cavities. However, using the right equipment, it is possible to create conditions that enable the deodorizer to interact more effectively with the hidden odor-causing residues. 

Some of the most common equipment we use to neutralize odor after fire damage include-

  • Air scrubbers are machines that filter the air in a room or building. They capture and remove odor-causing airborne particles, such as smoke and soot, and can significantly improve indoor air quality.
  • Thermal foggers release a heated, deodorizing mist that penetrates porous materials, such as walls and furniture. The mist neutralizes smoke odor molecules, effectively eliminating the smell.
  • Ozone generators produce ozone, a very reactive gas that reacts with odor molecules to neutralize them. 
  • Hydroxyl generators produce hydroxyl radicals, which react with odor molecules to neutralize them. Hydroxyl generators are safe around people, pets, and plants and can be used in occupied spaces.

Cleaning Smoke and Soot Residue is Equally Important

In addition to the deodorizing agents, SERVPRO techs use specialized cleaning products and techniques to remove smoke residue from surfaces, such as walls, floors, and furniture. Removing the residue can further reduce the odor of smoke in a room or building.

Call SERVPRO of Braun Station at (210) 267-2159 for fast service.

Have SERVPRO Experts Handle Your San Antonio Fire Damage

4/13/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicles parked on the side of the road SERVPRO has the tools and equipment to remove soot after fire damage from your home in San Antonio.

SERVPRO Provides San Antonio Residents with Fire Damage Restoration

Any fire can be a frightening experience, but even more so when it occurs within your San Antonio home. Not only do you have to worry about whether everyone, including pets, got out safely, but you also need to think about items lost and the arduous process of cleaning up. DIY methods are never recommended, even if you had a small blaze in a guest bedroom due to electrical issues. Instead, calling trained fire and smoke restoration technicians (FSRT) from SERVPRO gets you proven, efficient results!

There are many working parts for any restoration project, especially involving fire damage in San Antonio. When it comes to house fire cleanup, SERVPRO has the skills and equipment to address everything, including:

  • Soot and smoke residues
  • Charred debris
  • Structural damage
  • Water used to put out the flames

All of the above elements within fire damaged homes can wreak havoc on your interior and personal belongings. The good news for many property owners is that if you act fast and hire our team, we can get in to begin fire remediation efforts as soon as possible.

Fire Damage Inspection/Assessment

The first step our specialists take is ensuring your property is safe for entry. We look for structural issues that could jeopardize the home or pose a hazard to our crew. We then look at all soiling and water/moisture presents to select the best equipment and projects for fire restoration.

Debris Removal and Disposal

Once we complete the initial assessment and project planning, we secure the property, put containment in place, and start clearing debris from your perimeter and interior. We also have boarding and tarp-up services to handle any holes in your roof or walls, covering any broken or missing doors and windows.

Did You Know That We Can Restore Many Contents and Furnishings?

With our restore versus replace mode of fire cleanup, we always try to clean and restore items impacted by smoke and grime from the fire. We sort through all objects, determining what can get salvaged and what is damaged beyond repair. It is essential to act quickly so corrosive soot, and smoke does not have a chance to contaminate items or destroy them further.

  • All restorable items within fire-affected zones get carefully cleaned and deodorized.
  • We inspect and test fabrics for colorfastness and determine the best restoration methods.
  • Our crew uses wet or dry cleaning methods to help us achieve our desired result.
  • In some cases where electronics, artwork, and other specialty items call for additional care, we have trusted specialists in the area to tackle the restoration.

No Fire Restoration Project is Complete Without Deodorization

Pungent smoke odors are present in any fire situation, so we have Odor Control Technicians (OCT) on our team to rid your building of lingering smells. We always do more than just mask odors using fragrance. Instead, our fire and smoke restoration team seek out odor sources and eliminate them entirely. We do this with specialized cleaning agents, deodorizers, thermal fogging equipment, air scrubbers, and more.

We Want All Clients to Have a Good Experience

With any emergency in your home or place of business, you may feel an overwhelming sense of chaos. Our customer care team takes the initiative right from the start to gather information from you to dispatch a crew with everything we need.

Call us at SERVPRO of Braun Station when you require help with fire damage. We can be reached 24/7 at (210) 267-2159.

What Determines Damage Restoration Timelines in San Antonio Homes

12/13/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO team on job-site SERVPRO provides top-quality fire damage restoration services in san Antonio. Call now!

SERVPRO Evaluates San Antonio Homes after Fire Damage

One of your main worries is how fast you can reuse your property after a fire incident and the total cost of fire damage restoration. Unfortunately, these issues could be more straightforward, so you might only get a specific answer from some of your concerns. Even friends or family affected by similar incidents may not give you all the answers you seek.

Carrying out a thorough inspection before starting fire damage restoration in a San Antonio home is essential because it helps reveal pertinent information that can clarify timelines and costs. The first people SERVPRO sends to your property when you notify us of the incident perform such an inspection before the main team arrives. 

Crucial information when restoring fire damage

  • Whether it requires cleaning only or demolition too
  • Whether content pack-outs are necessary
  • External factors like investigations
  • The refinishing needed

Fire soils and consumes structural materials. The level of deterioration determines the actions necessary to restore your place to its preloss state. For instance, deep soils such as wet smoke residues are challenging to clean and might be better addressed through controlled demolition of the affected areas. Charred wall or ceiling panels also need to go. An incident that requires stripping down sections of the property is likely to take longer than one involving soot cleanup only.

Handling Contents in Case of a Fire

Fire affects contents like furniture and appliances within your property. Contents can be obstacles to other activities, such as cleaning the floors and ceilings, even when not majorly impacted. The time spent moving contents away can delay the restoration process. Since leaving the contents in place is not the answer, our SERVPRO crews opt for workarounds such as covering bulky items with drop cloths and plastic sheets. We can also do pack-outs within the facility. Our technicians can move items faster since we have accessories such as lifting straps and dollies. Removing items also helps other processes, such as refinishing damaged areas.

Typical refinishing processes

  • Deodorization
  • Repainting surfaces
  • Replacing removed materials

SERVPRO of Braun Station can help you estimate and save time during fire damage restoration. Call us at (210) 267-2159. 

How Mitigation Reduces the Fire Damage in Your San Antonio Home

7/13/2022 (Permalink)

fire damaged possessions SERVPRO can help restore your treasured items after a fire.

SERVPRO is ready to assist with your Fire Damage Restoration

When disasters strike your San Antonio home, there is often little time for you to formulate a plan and remove the most treasured items for safekeeping. Moreover, disasters put these irreplaceable items that you treasure at risk, leading to one of the most critical aspects of professional restoration services: mitigation. This process helps to reduce the spread and effect of damages in your home when it faces an emergency.

Fire damages are among the worst of these disastrous effects in your San Antonio home that you can neither plan for nor prevent. With so many ways that house fires can originate, the primary focus must be the safety of the occupants above any of the contents. With professionals like our SERVPRO technicians, however, these items do not have to be written off. Our emergency response team can utilize mitigation techniques to help lessen the lingering effects of the fire itself and work to preserve at-risk items within your house.

Once we assess the full scope of the fire damage to your home, our team first determines how to preserve structural integrity and at-risk items from continued damage. The pack-out service we provide can remove damaged items and those threatened by the conditions of the house to a safe area until restoration completes. Once this happens, the items can get returned to their original positions.

Some of the mitigation techniques employed by our SERVPRO team are to prevent worsening conditions from happening, such as mold growth. With many widespread fires requiring water to extinguish, this pooling water can create its own problems. Our technicians can extract this excess and dry up the saturation into materials to help reduce the possibility of microbial growth.

While you might not find yourself prepared to face a fire in your home, you are never alone in working to bring your house back to its original conditions. From working to preserve the things that matter most to you when disaster strikes to working efficiently to recover from the damages, our SERVPRO of Braun Station restoration specialists are here to help. Give us a call anytime at (210) 267-2159.

Can Soot Be Removed from Leon Valley Carpets During Restoration?

2/21/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO restoration vehicle in front of home Even small fires can damage everything in your home, from the structure to the flooring. Our Green Fleet is always on call to restore your home.

Flooring Can be Heavily Damaged by Soot and Smoke Residues Within Leon Valley Properties

From a rapidly spreading fire loss scenario to the destruction caused by first responders aiming to prevent costlier damage, our SERVPRO mitigators and FSRT-Certified technicians are Here to Help.

Severity of Exposure

Before much of the fire restoration in Leon Valley can get underway, special consideration is necessary to the exposure levels of carpeting and other floorings to soot and smoke residues. Circulating carcinogens can heap on horizontal surfaces until the effect is too immense for cleanup in some cases. These can include: 

  • Composition of soot soils
  • Thickness
  • Circulating particles
  • Safety hazards

Age and the Condition of the Carpet 

The condition of the carpet and its wear also plays a factor in both its salvageability and the determination of restoration professionals or the homeowner to preserve it over replacement. Suppose the evaluation of the damaged area determines that it would be more cost-efficient and faster to replace the carpet over deep cleaning and hot water extraction treatments. In that case, this becomes the preferred restoration path. 

Other Damaging Factors 

Other factors can contribute to the deterioration and salvageability of carpeting in your home after a fire. The methods to put out the blaze, for example, could affect the reusability of the structural elements and materials. Water can be destructive to even newer carpets, especially if damaging mold results. These secondary impacts and fire damage in the house become costly roadblocks in the smoke remediation process.  

Soot is one of the more challenging obstacles preventing properties from returning to preloss condition after a fire. These soils can dramatically impact carpet fibers and embed the particles to the base of this surface layer. Our experienced SERVPRO of Braun Station team can help clean up and recover damaged carpets when you call (210) 267-2159.

San Antonio Homes or Landmarks – SERVPRO Helps After Fire Losses

2/9/2022 (Permalink)

smoke and soot damage on walls Smoke and soot damage are difficult to remove. SERVPRO has the tools and techniques to restore your home.

We Have Effective Fire Restoration and Mitigation Solutions for San Antonio Properties

Fire restoration combines multiple actions and approaches suitable for protecting and preserving impacted properties. Even with substantial fire loss effects, we have mitigation and restoration strategies to overcome surface damage in properties of all sizes. 

Low-Abrasion Soot Cleanup

Removing soot is one of the most critical stages of fire restoration for San Antonio homes and businesses. Prolonged exposure can allow acidic and oily smoke residues to stain and mar the underlying host material permanently. We have many dry solvents and non-abrasive cleaning techniques to remove thick soil deposits without impacting the structure underneath them. 

Non-Invasive Odor Removal 

While many of the protected structures throughout the city and its surrounding areas are made of stones and other sturdy components, this does not make them or modern homes able to avoid the impact of harsh odors after combustion entirely. Counteracting this damage is the initial effort of our SERVPRO team, utilizing thermal foggers and cleaning products to reduce the harsh combustion malodors left behind. These approaches can be gentle on even aging construction, resulting in less formidable odor obstacles for our deodorization equipment. 

Skilled Reconstruction Services 

Structures are often damaged to the point of needing repair and replacement after a fire. When considering the destructive nature of soot, smoke, and combustion, our general contractor license becomes invaluable to complete several types of repairs and build-back services. Some of the everyday needs of fire-damaged properties after a disaster are: 

  • Utility Repair
  • Building Material Replacement
  • Controlled Demolition

With a rich history known beyond the borders of Texas, San Antonio is full of historic and protected properties and homes for more than 1.5 million residents. Our SERVPRO of Braun Station team can help with fast and efficient service when fires threaten these structures. Call today at (210) 267-2159.

Does Fire Residue Always Ruin Decorative Metal, China, and Glass Household Goods?

1/27/2022 (Permalink)

Kitchen After Fire SERVPRO is here to evaluate, clean & restore your treasured possessions.

Open a Clear Channel of Communication with SERVPRO About How Much You Value Heavily Soiled Personal Property After Fire Damage in San Antonio--We Have Solutions

Little escapes the residues created by a residential kitchen fire. The soot produced by superheated food and burning oils is "protein-based," a particularly malodorous coating that might appear nearly transparent but tightly adheres to and tarnishes and discolors surfaces, including solid decorative objects or household goods. Failing to remove the soot permits the residues' corrosive action to amplify, destroying possessions with both personal and monetary worth. 

Where Can I Find a Restoration Company that Listens to Me?

When fire damages your San Antonio home, you already feel incredibly out of control. "Normal" disappears in an instant. Although you are grateful for the response, the firefighters take charge. They follow the best practices of their vocation, which often cause unintentional damage in their quest to save your home's structure. When they are finished extinguishing the fire, your task is finding a pathway back to the "normal" lost when the blaze began. Let us partner with you on that search. 

Can Severely Soiled Items Be Restored?

When the SERVPRO team arrives, one of our guiding principles is to listen to you. We want to know your priorities, including your concerns about what made your house's structure a home. Protein-based residues can be removed from treasured possessions using specialized products and equipment. While the articles' underlying composition is intact, not melted by heat or broken underfoot during first responder response, we show promising results by:

  • Using immersion techniques with solvents, then agitation with brushes to remove loosened residues
  • Employing ultrasonic cleaning, which creates superheated jets of microbubbles in solution to "blast" the residues away

Advanced training of SERVPRO of Braun Station's production facility technicians ensures articles packed out for evaluation, cleaning, and restoration receive services based on industry best practices. Call us at (210) 267-2159 to explore your options.

What Types of Issues Does San Antonio Fire Damage Mitigation Services Resolve?

12/13/2021 (Permalink)

6 matches lined up ant on fire SERVPRO's fire damage mitigation and restoration services routinely restore severely fire damaged homes to their pre-fire condition.

Fire Damage Mitigation Companies in San Antonio Remediate a Wide Range of Problems

House fires are common in the San Antonio area, so it pays to know beforehand who can clean up their potential messes. Such fires can severely impact interior air quality, ventilation systems, structural elements, and household furnishings, and other contents. With that said, it is exceedingly comforting to know that help is available nearby.

San Antonio fire damage mitigation services like SERVPRO routinely return severely fire damaged homes to their pre-fire condition. In doing so, our trained experts have performed house fire cleanup work, smoke remediation, and fire damage restoration on countless local homes. Some of the fire and smoke damage we have skillfully remediated includes:

  • Smoke particle-fouled air that fills residences with persistent foul odors and greatly diminishes a home’s livability
  • Particle-dusted ventilation networks that spread fire and smoke debris throughout a fire-impacted house
  • Acidic residue-coated surfaces that are being discolored, chemically eroded, or corroded
  • Structural elements scorched or charred by fire that have been rendered aesthetically unappealing
  • Complete areas of homes that have been thoroughly destroyed by fire and require full reconstruction

So, regardless of the extent of your residence’s fire damage, SERVPRO’s highly trained experts equipped with cutting-edge air scrubbers, ozone generators, residue cleaning tools, HVAC cleaning systems, and deodorizing foggers can usually fix it.

With all that said, your friends at SERVPRO of Braun Station are dedicated to serving this community and helping residents overcome their fire-related problems. We are always available and ready to assist you with all of your fire damage mitigation needs. So, don’t hesitate to contact us at (210) 267-2159 whenever you need our assistance.

How Can I Keep My Bedroom Furnishings After a Fire?

11/8/2021 (Permalink)

wand and vac cleaning soot on carpet SERVPRO provides skilled technicians using the latest cleaning equipment to restore fire damaged contents and materials in San Antonio

SERVPRO technicians can perform fire and soot removal in your San Antonio home and lessen the need for replacing items.

Even when articles and building materials in a bedroom do not receive charring from a fire, they can still require disposal if the soot or smoke damage cannot get removed. Worse, self-cleaning methods using liquid solutions increase the cost by driving soot into walls and other surfaces. It is a smart move to bring in a professional restoration services company to remove the smoke damage and after-effects of the fire. SERVPRO encourages parents to provide their children with useful fire safety information and aids.

Can Bedding Get Cleaned After a Fire and Soot Removal? 

This bedroom had a fire in San Antonio that had light charring and needed soot removal. SERVPRO technicians approach every cleanup carefully with actions such as:

  • Testing the smoke residues to determine the type 
  • Choosing the correct cleaning agent by the surface being cleaned
  • Inspect and cleaning of washable fabrics exposed to soot

The mattress received no effects from the fire and remained in place during the mitigation, although covered in plastic to stop any cross-contamination from airborne particulate during the cleanup.

As long as the bedding is washable, the techs can use the Esporta Washing System to remove all traces of soot, smoke odors, dirt, and dust after a single wash in this powerful piece of equipment.

During the fire, the first responders stacked the articles in the room in a corner. SERVPRO techs went through the items one by one to determine the restoration potential through various cleaning methods. An outside cleaning station handles that task as things get taken out of the job site area. This attention to detail by the techs enables the homeowner to realize the savings by not having to replace so many possessions post-fire.

SERVPRO of Braun Station at (210) 267-2159 has the techniques and equipment to handle damage from fire and soot removal in your home.

What are Common Fire Hazards in My Home?

9/20/2021 (Permalink)

fire damaged foyer A faulty dryer caused this fire. Fortunately, SERVPRO was a phone call away.

You Need Professional Restoration Services Against Fire Damage in Your San Antonio Home for the Best Outcome

By its very nature of being an unexpected home disaster, no one plans for a fire in their residence, however, common everyday activities cause some of the most typical reasons for a fire in a San Antonio house:

  • Cooking
  • Smoking and candles
  • Heating
  • Electrical wiring and appliance malfunctions
  • Improper usage or storage of flammable liquids

What Should I Do First After Fire Damage? 

No matter how the fire damage in your San Antonio home occurred, all fire damage has a collective urgency: cleanup and restoration as quickly as possible to lessen the damages. Before the fire crew leaves after putting out the fire, discuss if your home is structurally sound for entering and safe to come in to retrieve any necessary items. If not, alert the SERVPRO crew chief when you arrange for the restoration services.

What Happens to Burned Items in My Home? 

The fire restoration process creates organization in the chaotic aftermath of a home fire. Typically, piles of burned contents get pushed into a wet heap, soot may cover surfaces, and frequently water is also a significant issue with which to contend. SERVPRO technicians organize the effort as follows:

  • Removal of charred items that are damaged
  • Separation of items with restoration potential
  • Setup of cleaning stations
  • Removal of smoke damage
  • Odor control applications
  • Prepping for any needed repairs/rebuilding

Care During Post-Fire Cleanup 

After a San Antonio fire, the home may need initial repairs to stop further damages from occurring. If a roof has a hole from the fire that the techs deem has temporary repair potential, they can tarp over it and secure it until the cleanup and restoration of the interior get completed. In cases where the property has extensive damage or is dangerous for people to enter, the techs typically board up windows and entry points when they are not on-site to discourage anyone from coming into the property.

Taking care not to spread soot throughout the house is another way the techs limit damages. In situations where only a part of a residence received damage, they contain the damaged area to inhibit airborne soot.

Why is it Better to Use a Professional Restoration Services Company Against Fire Damage?

One of the most compelling reasons is to lessen the damages. Waiting to begin mitigation or doing a poor DIY job of cleaning up damage from a fire in your home can make the situation far worse. For example, high heat fires that burn organic materials leave behind dry, powdery residues, particularly on walls and ceilings. If liquid cleaning solutions touch this form of smoke damage, it can drive the particles more in-depth into the wall and require sealant and repainting or removing the sheetrock. SERVPRO techs use tools such as dry cleaning sponges and a light touch to lift away the residues before cleaning the wall gently.

The method used to extract any remaining water on the premises can also have a bearing on the cleanup outcome. Using a wet/dry vacuum lacks the power to pull embedded moisture from within flooring and substrate, leading to seepage and further damage. The extraction equipment the SERVPRO techs use can remove the maximum amount of moisture and lessen the time needed for drying.

The drying equipment is another big difference. The techs bring powerful air movers that not even industrial fans can compare. Another effect of using this drying method is that the air delivery force causes remaining set moisture to rise to the surface, which lessens any potential for foul odors or mold to show up as a secondary issue during the mitigation efforts.

Odor control methods are a must before remediation for fire damage gets tagged as complete. The use of professional cleaning agents helps remove much of the pungent scent as surfaces get wiped down. However, more robust measures are often a must. Soot particles get embedded within the damaged area, and others may be airborne and travel via foot traffic or ductwork to other areas of the home. The techs have professional equipment to eradicate odors by neutralizing the odorous molecules. Air quality is a big concern during the cleanup, and it is a standard practice to run air scrubbers to keep airborne particulates at a minimum.

When fire damage leaves its mark on your home and contents, contact SERVPRO of Braun Station at (210) 267-2159. Certified technicians have both the experience and equipment to make the fire damage a thing of the past and return your home to its previous condition.

Fire Damage Restoration and Insurance Claim Assistance in San Antonio

4/14/2021 (Permalink)

smoke and soot and walls and ceiling Fires are devastating to homeowners. SERVPRO can help! Our team is equipped your fire damage restoration needs.

Call SERVPRO to Your San Antonio Property to Handle all Water and Fire Damage Restorations with Ease!

San Antonio straddles Central and South Texas and happens to be the city that is the seventh most populated within the United States. The name is Spanish, meaning Saint Anthony, given the name after Saint Anthony of Padua, known for feast day on June 13.

Taking a closer look beyond the many attractions, shopping, and dining that San Antonio affords, this city is also home to several United States Armed Forces facilities, including:

  • Randolph Air Force Base
  • Lackland Air Force Base
  • Fort Sam Houston
  • Kelly Air Force Base (until 2001)
  • Lackland AFB/Kelly Field Annex

In addition to those listed above, both Camp Stanley and Camp Bullis are located just outside the city limits.

Famous People Who Came from San Antonio

San Antonio, TX, is also known for a long list of famous names, including:

  • Carol Burnett, actress
  • Rand Paul, politician
  • Joan Crawford, actress
  • Jared Padalecki, actor
  • Michelle Rodriguez, actress
  • Chris Perez, guitarist

Exploring San Antonio Means Looking at Some of the Top Neighborhoods

There is a diverse population living in San Antonio, making perfect destinations to check out delicious food, craft beverages, and local entertainment. A few of the more popular neighborhoods you must check out when you are in San Antonio, Texas, include:

  • Alamo Heights –Located along Olmos Basin Park, Alamo Heights' community is also home to famous destinations like the McNay Art Museum, Witte Museum, and the San Antonio Zoo.
  • Midtown –When you are looking for cutting-edge restaurants with creative flair, there is nothing quite like Midtown. This breathtaking area is also dotted with historic buildings and quaint shops to explore. 
  • Northwest Side –This area is known as the main campus home for the University of Texas at San Antonio. If you are up for excitement, this neck of the woods is also where you will find fun and thrill rides at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. 

With SERVPRO On-the-Job, We Handle Fire Damage Restoration Quickly to Get Your San Antonio Home Back to Normal

Numerous challenges arise with any fire damaged homes, but calling in our team of skilled IICRC-certified technicians at SERVPRO gets it done in a fraction of the time versus DIY. Our attention to detail brings impeccable results, so your San Antonio home is "Like it never even happened."

To start our fire damage restoration efforts in San Antonio, it is essential that you know the next best steps toward the finish line:

  • Insurance Provider Contact –Before house fire clean up, contact your home insurance provider to begin your claim. Ask about all coverages and double-check what documentation is required.
  • Securing the Property –There might be areas of your interior exposed to the elements depending on the nature of your fire incident. We offer tarping and board-up services to secure the property and the remaining belongings inside.
  • Assessment –This is where our crew chief determines the right fire restoration equipment and steps to handle the cleanup. Our team then starts with charred debris removal, soot and smoke residue cleaning, and controlled demolition, as needed.

SERVPRO of Braun Station can be reached 24/7 for emergency fire damage restoration by calling (210) 267-2159.

Which Cleaning Products Can Help with Fire Damage Restoration?

3/25/2021 (Permalink)

heavy smoke surrounding smoke detector Smoke and soot travel and reach the remote parts of your home. SERVPRO is always available to restore your fire damage.

SERVPRO has the Tools to Help San Antonio Homeowners 

The thought of cleaning after a fire is a daunting one. Soot has a way of coating all kinds of surfaces to leave your home looking black and beyond repair. However, please do not despair – SERVPRO technicians have the tools to help.

If you need fire damage restoration in your San Antonio home, we suggest that you do not start cleaning yourself. It is better to wait for the professionals because we have access to highly effective cleaning products that are not sold in regular stores. We also train our teams on using various products to minimize the risk of damage to your home. 

Our repertoire of cleaning products includes: 

  • Dry cleaning solvents are ideal for cleaning drapes or any other materials that cannot withstand wet cleaning.
  • Wood oil soaps to clean finished wood surfaces such as chairs and tables.
  • Carpet cleaners to restore your floor coverings after fire damage.
  • Volatile dry solvents to remove soot from fabrics.

If you need the right cleaning products for fire damage restoration, call SERVPRO of Braun Station at (210) 267-2159.

Do You Need a Fire Restoration Service in San Antonio?

3/11/2021 (Permalink)

smoke and soot damaged possessions on bedroom dresser When it comes to your possessions, we try to restore over replace. We have the cleaners to clean and restore your family treasurers.

SERVPRO Takes the Stress Out of Fire Cleanup 

San Antonio is undoubtedly one of the most iconic cities in Texas. It is one of the earliest Spanish colonies in the state. Settlers first saw the area when an explorer named Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca landed there in 1536. Native people briefly captured him, and during his time there saw the river that would be called the San Antonio River. He reported back to colleagues in Mexico City. 

Spanish settlers founded missions and built forts in the area, and the missions grew until San Antonio was the largest Spanish settlement in Texas. During the Texas Rebellion, several pivotal battles took place in or near San Antonio. The United States annexed Texas in 1845. After the civil war, many Anglo settlers learned the traditional Mexican and Spanish herding techniques that were popular among Spanish and Mexican immigrants. San Antonio became a famous center of cattle culture and spawned a whole new generation of cowboys. By 1850, San Antonio was the largest city in Texas.

Today, San Antonio is a buzzing modern city that is still growing. Reminders of the past are all around, but you can find all mod cons too.

See the Historical Sites of San Antonio

As you can imagine, San Antonio is full of exciting and historical places. Why not start with:

  • The Alamo, formally known as The Alamo Mission, is one of America's most popular tourist sites, welcoming more than four million people a year. You can visit the chapel and the long barracks or stop by the museum to see the artifacts.
  • San Antonio Missions National Park preserves the city's other four Spanish frontier missions and includes green parkland and a visitor's center.
  • The Ethel Wilson Harris House is the former home of Ethel Wilson Harris, an artist, and conservationist. Robert Harris designed the house in 1956, and it is an excellent example of modern architecture. 

Family Fun at San Antonio's Attractions 

San Antonio boasts plenty of modern attractions too. Kids are sure to love: 

  • Morgan's Wonderland is the first completely accessible theme park in the world. Morgan's Wonderland includes fairground rides, a fishing lake, gardens, and an amphitheater. Guests with special needs go free, while other guests or caregivers pay only a small fee.
  • Six Flags Fiesta Texas includes plenty of rides for thrill-seekers. Rides include Scream, a twenty-story tower ride, the SkyScreamer sky ride, the Crow's Nest Ferris wheel, and the Superman: Krypton roller coaster. There are sit-down restaurants and live entertainment for when you need to sit down!
  • Seaworld San Antonio is the largest Seaworld franchise, and its inventory includes whales, dolphins, seals, and sea lions.

What Happens to Décor During Fire Restoration? 

San Antonio's attractions often have historic and beautiful décor, including paintings, rugs, and drapes. You may be questioning what happens to your décor during fire restoration. SERVPRO trains its technicians to clean and restore as much as possible. We do not throw away items unless we are entirely sure we cannot salvage them. Some things we can do to help include:

  • Wiping down furniture, lampshades, and ornaments.
  • Using spot cleaning to deal with soot marks on textiles and upholstery.
  • Putting Venetian blinds, toys, and utensils in ultrasonic cleaning tanks.
  • Sending clothes and linens to our facility, where we have ESPORTA hydraulic washers.

We also deodorize your belongings and home after fire restoration. 

If you need fire restoration, call SERVPRO of Braun Station at (210) 267-2159.

What Challenges Are Common After Fire Damage Incidents?

2/9/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO vehicle parked in front of home The situation can feel quite overwhelming when your property is affected by fire damage. Contact SERVPRO for effective remediation services.

SERVPRO Handles All Issues Caused By Fire Damage in San Antonio Properties

The name San Antonio has a lengtheir history than the city, which was founded in 1718. The area was named on June 13, 1691, the day a Spanish expedition found the river they called Rio San Antonio. The name was also chosen because it was the day of the feast of St. Anthony of Padua. The records of the naming came from Father Damian Massanet and the leader of the expedition, Domingo Teran de Los Rios, who mentioned in their journals about the event. 

Although San Antonio has expanded and undergone various changes since its establishment, some of its original neighborhoods remain unchanged. For instance, La Villita is the City's oldest neighborhood tucked away on the southern bank of the San Antonio River Walk. It features past architecture such as Texas Vernacular limestone buildings and Adobe Structures. La Villita is a historic district listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Some of the notable structures in the area include:

  • Otto Bombach House, a native limestone structure built from 1847 to 1855
  • Jeremiah Dashiell House built in 1962
  • Louis Gresser House currently maintained by the San Antonio Conservation Society

Fascinating Things to Do in San Antonio

  • Visiting the Alamo

The Alamo is famous because of the battle that happened at the mission and the crucial role it played in securing Texan independence. An army of 3000 Mexicans attacked the Alamo and killed all the defenders leading to the rallying battle cry "Remember the Alamo!" in future clashes. Visiting the Alamo is a great way to learn why such missions were constructed and get a detailed account of the battle.

  • Natural Bridge Caverns & the Canopy Challenge and Zip Lines

The fascinating caves have large open areas and narrow passages in some areas. They are called bridge caverns because, at the entrance, there is a sixty-foot natural limestone slab spanning the amphitheater setting. The span formed after a sinkhole collapsed below it. Apart from the visual appeal, another unique aspect about the caves is that temperatures are constant at 70°F, all year round.

  • Exploring Pearl District

The Pearl is a historical yet trendy district of San Antonio. The immediate attraction in the area is the lovely restored buildings. However, unique shops and eateries in the area offer superb cuisine. During weekends there is a lively Farmers Market that attracts vendors from a 150-mile radius of the city, offering the opportunity to try sauces, fresh produce, baked goods, and other specialties. 

How Does SERVPRO Address Common Fire Damage Related Issues?

The main effects of fire, such as deterioration of materials from heat or flame action, are readily apparent. However, some issues might remain hidden, and if you do not exercise proper caution during the renovation, such cases might be overlooked. Some of the typically challenging matters include:

  • Invisible residues deposited on surfaces
  • Residue penetration in concealed areas such as wall assemblies
  • Deep charring of structural supports

When SERVPRO embarks on the restoration process, we do a thorough evaluation to determine the problem's extent. For the soiling-related issues, we use various cleaning approaches, including dry and wet cleaning methods. For structural issues, we evaluate the damage to determine whether removal of the affected material is necessary.  

SERVPRO of Braun Station has significant experience dealing with fire damage cases. Call us at (210) 267-2159 to help you restore your San Antonio property.

Winter holiday tips: Fire safety | SERVPRO® of Braun Station

12/3/2020 (Permalink)

Fires can happen at any time of the year, but now is the time to make a plan

With the holidays getting closer, it may be a good time to review your emergency fire plans with your family.

Making an Escape Plan

Make sure you and your family can make a home fire escape plan

This includes:

  • Clearing escape paths
  • Establishing a meeting point
  • Mark two ways out of every room (Doors, Windows, etc.)
  • Optional: Create a floor plan

Practicing fire safety

It is important to be mindful of fire safety when putting up holiday decorations. Here are some facts about fire safety:

  • Electrical distribution or lighting equipment was involved in almost half of home Christmas tree fires.

  • More than two of every five (42%) home Christmas tree fires started in the living room. Five percent were chimney or flue fires. One-fifth (21%) of the decoration fires started in the kitchen. Sixteen percent started in the living room, family room or den.

  • Half (51%) of December home decoration fires were started by candles, compared to one-third (32%) in January to November.

SERVPRO® of Alamo Heights is Here to Help this holiday season, we are always available to be there when you need us. Call us for more information: 210-822-2063

How to Handle Fire Damage to Your Home | SERVPRO® of Alamo Heights

6/9/2020 (Permalink)

woman with hands covering face upset with burnt house in background If your home is damaged in a house fire, SERVPRO of Alamo Heights is here to help. Contact us for any fire restoration needs.

Experiencing a house fire is a devastating life event that can derail your plans. Even if the fire is extinguished quickly, it can still cause severe damage and emotional trauma for you and everyone in your household.

Proper handling of the aftermath can go a long way in helping you recover quickly and have your home restored—here are the steps to take to ensure you are doing so:

Steps to Take After Sustaining Household Fire Damage

Prepare yourself for what to expect. The damage that fires cause can be alarming to see firsthand. Firefighters will often have to break windows or cut holes in the roof or walls, and many items that were not near the fire may still be damaged by smoke and soot. There also may be widespread water damage from how the fire was extinguished.

Wait to enter your home. Even if everything looks safe, it is important to only reenter your home after fire officials have deemed it safe to do so. Fires can cause hidden structural damage that could make the area hazardous, and a secondary combustion event is a possibility in some cases as well. It is better to be safe and wait for the go-ahead than to put yourself in harm’s way.

Contact your insurance company. Once you assess the damage that has been done, get in touch with your insurance company in order to learn the extent of your coverage and begin the claims process. All insurance policies are different, so it is important to not do anything until you speak with them about what next steps to take.

Document the damages. Taking photographs and a detailed inventory of everything that is damaged will come in handy both for you and your insurance company. Having documentation of what is damaged will help when filing a claim and will also help you keep track of what items you will need to replace to return to a sense of normalcy.

Contact your restoration company. Working with a reputable restoration company after a fire is a great way to alleviate some of the stress your family is experiencing and gain peace of mind. The aftermath of a house fire can be emotionally draining, so dealing with a company you can trust will do a great deal to reduce the overall stress levels involved in the process of recovery.

If your home is damaged in a house fire, you can count on us to help you. Get in touch at any hour for a quick response.

How Can I Remove Thick and Sticky Soot from My San Antonio Home Without Damaging Surfaces?

5/26/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damaged mirror and personal items Soot is hard to remove. Fortunately, SERVPRO has the experience and equipment to restore your property today!

SERVPRO Relies on Research-Based Techniques, Testing, and Proprietary Cleaning Products to Clean Fire Damage from San Antonio Homes

If you are usually a “can-do” kind of homeowner, you might find it hard to take a step back when fire residues soil your home. Despite your eagerness and work ethic, cleaning up the soot drifted throughout and adhered to your home’s surfaces is not instinctive. The tools and cleaners used for ordinary dirt and grime can make fire residue recovery harder by smearing, setting, and grinding the soot into surfaces.

How Do Professional Fire Damage Restorers Approach Soot Cleanup?

Our Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) use the principles and elements of cleaning to assess your San Antonio fire damage scene, design an effective plan for mitigation and remediation, and implement it. 

What Are the Principles of Cleaning?

Steps SERVPRO restorers take to rid surfaces of fire damage residues:

  • Locate the residues
  • Inspect and evaluate the characteristics and durability of the affected surface
  • Release and remove residues
  • Contain and dispose of the residues

What Are the Elements of Cleaning?

Variables restorers manipulate to isolate, loosen, and contain the residues:

Chemical actions, including:

  • Dissolving
  • Emulsifying
  • Bleaching
  • Oxidizing
  • Altering pH
  • Digesting

Temperature--heat increases the speed of the desired chemical action but cannot be so high as to damage further the surface affected. 

Agitation--dislodges residues and distributes cleaners through movement, including:

  • Rubbing
  • Brushing
  • Water and air pressure
  • Sonic vibrations

Time-- also known as “dwell time,” or the period a product is in contact with residues to loosen the surface bond

How Do Professionals Balance the Principles and Elements of Cleaning?

Relying on mastery of the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) training and on-the-job experience, our managers and technicians mindfully choose products, tools, and techniques. The goal is to remove the fire residue and maintain the integrity of the soiled surfaces. We achieve a balance by pretesting planned interventions in inconspicuous places and continually adapting and adjusting the cleaning process.    

Rely on the experts at SERVPRO of Braun Station to craft an individualized and effective response to a wide range of fire damage cleaning scenarios. Call (210) 267-2159 to schedule an assessment.

More about San Antonio.

How Can I Remove the Smell of Smoke in San Antonio?

5/5/2020 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot on wall and ceiling Smoke and soot travel throughout your home. SERVPRO has the experience and equipment to restore your home.

In San Antonio, SERVPRO Can Help You Eliminate the Smell of Smoke After a Home Fire

Fire can happen very quickly in your home. You may light an aromatic candle too close to a curtain or start a kitchen fire by accident. Regardless of the ignition cause, the resulting flames can disrupt your everyday life for a few days, but the smell of smoke can linger in your home for longer.

When you have fire damage in San Antonio, you can reach out to SERVPRO to help, including its foul smell. Our technicians can apply our knowledge and expertise in restoring your home, as soon as we arrive on the premises. Our industrial-grade equipment and best practices mark the difference between a professional job and mediocre results. Call our 24/7 hotline as soon as possible to prevent further spread of the damage.

Are air-fresheners enough to mask the smell of smoke?

Air fresheners, available at your local store, are ideal for keeping your home smelling fresh and clean regularly, but not when there has been a fire. Flames, smoke, and soot can completely upset the natural balance of the air in your home, and it requires a professional team to offset their impact. Some of the methods available to our SERVPRO team when we arrive at your home include the following:

  • Odor pellets- these help us counteract the smell of smoke in your home with other fragrances.
  • Ozone generators- this technology helps us eliminate smoke odors molecules in your home and purify the air.
  • Thermal fogging- this technique allows a fine mist to bond with the smell molecule and neutralizes it

Other options for deodorizing your home go together with the cleanup process necessary after any fire. When a professional team like us arrives at your home and takes proper steps for a successful restoration, you can have peace of mind.

SERVPRO of Braun Station is your partner after a fire. Contact us at (210) 267-2159 and let us leave your home, "Like it never even happened."

More about San Antonio.

How Can I Clean Smoke Residue from My San Antonio Home?

4/28/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damaged room and sofa Did your home experience fire damage? SERVPRO knows how to restore your fire damaged home.

San Antonio Homeowners Can Rely on SERVPRO to Clean Smoke Residue Without Further Damage

A small fire can erupt in your home at any time. A fireplace, a kitchen fire, or an electrical malfunction can all spark a flame and threaten your home. If you are lucky, the damage is not widespread, and your loved ones are safe, and material losses are minimal. However, even best-case scenarios leave an imprint of the fire on your walls and fixtures, which can be a challenge to restore.

For San Antonio homeowners, fire damage restoration should not be overwhelming. Our professional crew trains continuously to be ready to tackle jobs like yours. Our industry expertise confirms that you can trust our advice as we arrive at your home and develop a plan of action. Like you, we want to minimize the disruption to your daily life by being thorough and quick in restoring your property.

Should I use a cleaning solution to remove fire residue?

Cleaning solutions play an essential role in leaving your furniture in mint condition after a fire. However, there are different types and uses for cleaning solutions, and our SERVPRO team is aware of the proper application of each of them. As we prepare for different scenarios, we identify which cleaning solutions and techniques work well depending on:

  • The scope of the damage including the path of the smoke and where soot settles
  • The material the surface is made of, especially whether it is natural or humanmade
  •  The exposure time to flames and the ensuing extinguishing agents

As we gather the information, we match each surface and need with the appropriate cleaning solution and apply it based on EPA recommendations and guidelines. This meticulous approach protects your belongings from further damage caused by abrasive cleaners.

SERVPRO of Braun Station is part of your community, and we want to keep you safe. Call us at (210) 267-2159 regardless of the size of your emergency and let us develop a plan for you. Together, we can work to leave your home, "Like it never even happened."

More about San Antonio.

How Long Can I Wait to Clean Up Fire Damage?

4/4/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damaged stove and kitchen Fires are devastating. Call SERVPRO of Braun Station for fast and effective fire damage remediation.

Waste No Time Calling Your Local SERVPRO After Fire Damage in Your San Antonio Home.

The speed with which a fire affects the interior of your home and its contents is shocking. Stress and confusion can make waiting to act for a few days feel like a smart move, but every minute counts. Harm to building materials, furnishings, household gods, and personal belongings starts immediately.

Is There a Timeline for Typical Fire Damage Results?

Fire damage in San Antonio follows a predictable course. We respond quickly because our trained technicians know mitigation efforts can slow or halt the harm. We’re Faster To Any Size Disaster.

What Fire Damage Occurs Within Minutes?

  • Plastics yellow
  • Porous materials begin to corrode and discolor
  • Soot infiltrates fabrics, carpeting, and rugs

What Fire Damage Occurs Within Hours?

  • Finishes on wooden surfaces and grout darken
  • Appliances and fiberglass discolor

What Fire Damage Occurs Within Days?

  • Metals tarnish and corrode
  • Fabrics permanently stain
  • Paint on walls discolors
  • Wood floors and furniture deteriorate and need refinishing
  • Vinyl crumbles

What Fire Damage Occurs Later?

  • Glass and china etches and pits
  • Synthetic fabrics yellow
  • Building materials like drywall break down

How Do Professional Fire Recovery Professionals Stop the Destruction?

SERVPRO technicians take swift steps to lower the corrosive residue load on surfaces. We open up the space for ventilation, using axial fans stocked on our service vehicles. If trying to prevent the drift of soot into unaffected spaces in your home, we set up containment perimeters using 6 mil polyethylene with air scrubbers positioned inside that force contaminants through HEPA filters before exhausting to the outside.

Why Is Scaling Our Workforce Critical for Efficient Fire Damage Cleanup? 

Removing the soot from surfaces fast is vital to stopping the corrosive action of the residues. SERVPRO schedules enough technicians to clean walls, ceilings, and other surfaces rapidly. Our focus is on restoration. If we do not remove the soot before the underlying materials weaken or stain permanently, portions of your house might need demolition and rebuilding, a disruptive, costly, and avoidable result.

Enlist the help of the expert fire recovery crews at SERVPRO of Braun Station when a blaze damages your home. We are available 24/7 with one call to (210) 267-2159.

More about San Antonio.

Fireplace Safety Tips For Everyone In Bexar County, TX

1/23/2020 (Permalink)

Coals on fire in a fireplace with smoke SERVPRO of Braun Station is available if smoke or soot turns your warm fireplace into a fire damage situation.

It was a chilly morning today and our owner's family decided to light a fire.  However, they had not used these tips and suddenly had smoke all over their home. We don't want this to happen to you so here are some tips that could help prevent this from happening to you.

Safety Tips

  • Call an inspector to have your fireplace and chimney inspected annually.
  • Open the damper or flue prior to starting the fire 
  • Take a moment to clean the ashes from all of those previous warm fires.
  • Always use a screen or a door to keep the ashes inside the fireplace and not on your living room floor
  • Choose quality wood that is dry, well-aged, and cut into smaller pieces
  • Always have working smoke detectors and a working fire extinguisher

What can I do if I get soot in my house from my fireplace?

SERVPRO of Braun Station is your local SERVPRO franchise that is here if smoke or soot gets into your home.  We are a phone call away at (210) 267-2159 and can come out to immediately assess the damages and begin the remediation and restoration process.

How Soot Continues to Damage San Antonio Homes Long After the Fire is Extinguished

9/30/2019 (Permalink)

Living room with soot covered walls and several sections of drywall burned away Soot particles can be unhealthy to breathe. Leave the cleanup to the professionals. Call SERVPRO to restore your home!

Primary Risks of Soot Damage in San Antonio Homes 

Soot is one of the most detrimental obstacles to overcome after a fire loss in San Antonio homes. It is also one of the most challenging effects for homeowners to clean on their own. The risks for smearing and staining are high with these particulates, making the handling of this situation a delicate procedure. Our SERVPRO technicians have extensive training and hands-on experience with the removal of soot residues on contents and surfaces. 

While the presence of soot can be a destructive force to surfaces, there are other reasons that this fire damage in San Antonio properties must get addressed fast. The more that you can understand about soot and its effect on the household, the better you can appreciate a need for professional restoration from Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) accredited professionals like ours. 

You might not fully know the risks of having soot particulates circulating throughout a recently extinguished property. Airborne soot particles are much more hazardous than the effect it can have on the surfaces where these particles come to rest. Soot gets created by incomplete combustion of various organic materials like wood, oil, coal, and other similar materials. This debris left behind is highly acidic and nearly impossible to distinguish with the naked eye when in circulation around your home. 

Our SERVPRO professionals want to stress the importance of proper personal protective equipment, even if wish to initially attempt cleanup and recovery on your own. These microscopic particles can travel deep into your lungs and cause damage when you do not use effective preventative measures like half or full-face cartridge respirators. These devices can help to filter out even these small particles, much like dust and spores in the environment, to keep you safe during cleaning. 

Because of the acidic composition, soot resting on finished surfaces and metal materials can have a dramatic impact. The makeup of this residue can strip the finish off of certain surfaces and can cause metal like plumbing and other piping to deteriorate. 

Soot might seem like a standard, non-threatening effect to combat after a fire gets extinguished in your home, but it can be more of a challenge than you might believe. Our skills and experience in fire recovery can help us contain this threat and remove it safely from your home. Give our SERVPRO of Braun Station a call today at (210) 267-2159.

More about San Antonio.

Our Technicians Are Prepared To Restore Your San Antonio Home After A Fire Disaster 24/7.

8/16/2019 (Permalink)

Home severely burned in a fire, contents charred Fires can happen for numerous reasons including cooking fires, faulty electrical wires, and unattended candles.

Benefits of Professional San Antonio Fire Damage Cleanup 

The reasons why professional fire cleanup is crucial focus on safety and thorough remediation in San Antonio as elsewhere. A seemingly minor fire quickly extinguished, might appear to need merely a slightly more intense than usual seasonal cleaning. Taking this perspective is risky, with the potential to expose your loved ones and the structure of your home to invisible yet severe progressive damage.

Significant Water Damage

Merely because it was introduced on purpose to mitigate fire damage in your San Antonio home does not negate the hazards of water damage. Slips and falls, electrical shocks, and permanent harm to building materials are just some of the dangers of firefighting water incursion. Efficient water removal and structural drying are essential before or while soot and other debris are cleared. Our technicians hold multiple certifications from the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) and can move between tasks seamlessly.

Safety Concerns When Managing Toxic Residues

Regardless of the extent of the smoke and soot damage, cleaning is a hazardous endeavor. The chemicals, tar, and gasses produced by fire are toxic and abrasive. SERVPRO Fire and Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) are highly-trained in appropriate strategies that clean fire residues efficiently while avoiding smearing and further damage to surfaces by sharp-edged soot particles. We match the type of soot with appropriate cleaners, tools, and methods based on research and experience, not trial and error. 

Specialized Professional Equipment

SERVPRO technicians don personal protective equipment (PPE) when evaluating and cleaning your home. We frequently contain the work area with heavy-duty plastic sheeting and by operating a negative pressure air scrubber. The pressure seals the partition and forces airborne contaminants through HEPA filters before exhausting outside.

Pack-Out Possibilities

The contents of your home suffer from smoke, smells, and soot, too. We offer a Contents Claim Inventory Service (CCIS) to document any items we remove for assessment, cleaning, deodorization, and other restorative procedures at our production facility. Our talented Contents Processing Technicians (CPT) employ a broad range of strategies to save personal possessions you feared ruined beyond repair.

SERVPRO of Braun Station offers victims of fire damage a comprehensive array of professional mitigation and remediation services. Partner up with our skilled and certified team by scheduling an assessment at (210) 267-2159.

See more about San Antonio.

What are the First Steps to Recovery After Fire Damage in San Antonio

7/23/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke damage next to a vent on a ceiling Don’t go this alone. Call SERVPRO of Braun Station for experience fire damage restoration.

Fire Debris and Damaged Material Removal from San Antonio Homes

One of the most challenging aspects of recovery after a fire loss incident in your San Antonio home is addressing the primary concerns of debris removal and assessing material damage. Many homeowners now seek to perform restoration and mitigation work that their property needs on their own after loss incidents. Debris removal and assessing material damage must happen immediately after first responders and firefighters have left the premises.  Owners might lack the skill set required to perform damage assessments safely.

While there are already many steps to addressing each facet of fire damage to San Antonio homes after a loss, our SERVPRO team can help. We have an immediate response to these emergencies with advanced equipment and products that can quickly make a positive difference for your damaged house.  We also arrive with a full crew of competent and well-trained professionals accredited as Fire & Smoke Restoration Technicians (FSRT) and Odor Control Technicians (OCT) through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

Fire debris removal and the removal of damaged materials encountered in your residence often begins with the experience of our reconstruction division. We bring full-service contractors to your damaged address to get them started on controlled demolition techniques. With years of experience, our contractors can carefully remove only the damaged portions of materials like drywall and flooring to make replacement and reconstruction go quickly and cost less.

It is crucial to monitor and reduce airborne particulates and contaminants throughout the debris removal and controlled demolition process. Often these circumstances can single-handedly worsen symptoms like soot and smoke residue. Running advanced equipment like air scrubbers and hydroxyl generators can make the mitigation go much more smoothly for our SERVPRO team.

Fire debris removal and damage assessment are two critical areas of fire loss recovery that must occur right away. You can always count on the fast response and the expertise of our SERVPRO of Braun Station specialists to help make fire effects “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call anytime that you need us at (210) 267-2159.

More about San Antonio.

Why Professional Damage Assessments for San Antonio Homeowners After Fires is Necessary

7/7/2019 (Permalink)

Two firefighters climbing a ladder to put out a flaming fire on a rooftop Is your home safe to enter after a fire? SERVPRO of Braun Station can assess the damage and get your home on the path to restoration.

What Assessment Can Do for Fire-Damaged San Antonio Homes

After a fire, it can be crucial for homeowners to overview their entire property in San Antonio to determine the extent of interior and exterior damages. Assessments like these can be vital to getting the right work started quickly, putting your property on the path to a full recovery. There are many concerns with homeowners choosing to evaluate their house on their own, however.

While it is critical to gain an understanding of the severity of the fire damage to San Antonio properties as promptly as possible, it is never advisable to rush in after extinguishment without a working knowledge of the risks and potential hazards that exist. The most pressing of these concerns in many cases is structural integrity loss, which can put property owners in dangerous situations if they enter the house unprepared for what they might encounter. Our SERVPRO professionals have extensive experience and training in fire loss recovery, and damage assessment and fire debris removal are processes that we can safely begin right away.

Air quality concerns are another potential hazard that homeowners could encounter when entering a fire-damaged residence. Soot and smoke particulates can still be thick in the environment, which alone present potential health risks for those exposed without the appropriate personal protective equipment. Also, the environment could have other airborne risks from burned products and chemicals involved in the incident.

Another concern that can show you the benefits of choosing competent professionals like our SERVPRO team is how widespread fire effects can become. Without sophisticated equipment, including borescopes and other detection tools, homeowners only address the cosmetic concerns of their property and neglect many of the damages that occur out of the direct line of sight.

Your insurance company requires a professional damage assessment to get a claim started and approved, and our SERVPRO of Braun Station technicians can help. We can catalog loss, develop a restoration plan, and work with insurance adjusters to get the process started quickly. Contact us anytime at (210) 267-2159.

More about San Antonio.

A Primer on Smoke and Fire Damage Restoration in San Antonio

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke charred ceiling and walls Do you know how to remove smoke and soot damage? SERVPRO of Braun Station technicians are trained and ready to restore your home.

The Theory of Fire, Fire Damage, and Homeowners In San Antonio

As a homeowner in the San Antonio area, it might help you to understand the theory of fire. Learning the theory of fire means that you have an understanding of how fire, smoke, and heat affect the structure and contents of your home. Information like this can also help you determine which items affected by fire remain repairable, and which do not.

It is essential for you to understand the services someone is about to perform to restore fire damage in your San Antonio home. Fire restoration services involve removing residues from various surfaces throughout your home. No one can tell you a single solution for removing residue after a fire, as circumstances change from item to item. To understand the process better, you need to know more about combustion and smoke.

  • Combustion – This process takes place when a material is burning. It takes fuel, oxygen, and heat in varying degrees to cause combustion. When these components are not in balance, smoke occurs. A burning log can be considered combusting.
  • Smoke – Smoke is produced by decomposed burning material that consists of solid particles, gases, and aerosols released into the air during combustion. Gases are the invisible component of smoke, often consisting of nitrogen and sulfur dioxide compounds.

Organic and inorganic materials always produce different types of smoke. There are many you should be aware of, including, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide which can both be fatal if consumed during a fire. However, the threat gases represent become minimal after firefighters put out the flames. After a fire occurs is not the only time you should call SERVPRO for help.

In addition to gases, smoke consists of fine particles of matter and aerosols. These fine particles are what makes smoke visible to the human eye. They are also odor absorbent, which is what makes smoke smell. Smoke floats through the air until making contact with a surface, combining once again, turning into what we call smoke residue or soot. SERVPRO odor control technicians (OCT) specialize in the removal of foul-smelling odors left behind by a fire.

Call SERVPRO of Braun Station for access to highly-trained fire damage technicians 24-hrs a day, 7-days a week throughout Leon Valley, San Antonio, Floresville, and Dilley. (210) 267-2159

More about San Antonio.

How to Remove Smoke Damage from Your San Antonio Home

6/6/2019 (Permalink)

Room covered with soot on the floor Smoke and soot ashes penetrate surfaces and leave odors. SERVPRO of Braun Station has the equipment to leave your home smelling fresh.

Professional Deodorization after Fire Damage in San Antonio

A fire in your San Antonio home causes many kinds of harm. Destruction of contents and supporting structures from charring can be severe, and soiling from soot drifting throughout your home reaches areas far from the blaze. As you cope with the many tasks needed to restore possessions and building materials, you concentrate on safety and swift remediation of your living spaces back to a clean, dry, and safe state.

Although your initial focus might not be on the smells resulting from fire damage in San Antonio, failure to address the odors in your dwelling can come back to haunt you. Lingering smoky aromas impact the enjoyment you deserve to remain in your home after cleanup and restoration. Our team of highly-qualified fire damage responders includes graduates of the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) course for Odor Control Technicians (OCT). We have strategies to rid your home of offensive odors related to the fire damage.

The first steps toward effective odor control are part of overall fire damage cleanup. SERVPRO removes all charred items from your home, which might need some detective work if the fire spread behind walls or other hidden areas. Sealing of charred surfaces is sometimes an option if the disposal is not possible. Any burned materials continue to emit odiferous vapors unless steps are taken to remove or contain them.

Thorough cleaning also works to reduce odors. SERVPRO uses appropriate cleaners and solvents to clear bad-smelling soot and other residues. If disposal of charred remains and heavy-duty cleaning do not do the trick, we move on to technological advances that use different approaches.

Thermal fogging is an option SERVPRO employs in some cases. A heated chamber recreates the fire’s environment, combusting deodorizing compounds that then spread into the air seeking odor-bearing particles. When the heated deodorizers encounter the particles, they combine, neutralizing the odor through a series of chemical changes. Ozone machines and hydroxyl generators also create minute deodorizing residue, sending these tiny bits airborne to locate the odor-bearing particles, rendering them odorless at the molecular level.

Consult SERVPRO of Braun Station for assistance in eliminating the odors created by fire damage. Call (210) 267-2159 to set up an appointment with a deodorization expert.

San Antonio is the most visited city in Texas. Read more here.

How SERVPRO Remediates Fire Damage in Your San Antonio Home

12/3/2018 (Permalink)

Room with soot on wall and floors Fires leave soot, smoke and water damage that requires professional restoration. Call SERVPRO to remediate your fire damaged home.

Basic Considerations During Fire Damage Remediation in San Antonio

The aftermath of a home fire can be an overwhelming experience. Your comfortable home seems to disappear, leaving behind a shell of soot-covered surfaces, furnishings, fixtures, and personal belongings. It is hard to determine what to do first as the soot, and other residues are unlike any ordinary household soiling you have seen. Engaging a reliable full-service disaster restoration company is a must for proper assessment, planning, and implementation of appropriate fire damage restoration,

Homeowners are often stunned at the amount of water damage that accompanies fire damage in San Antonio. Extinguishing a fire requires a lot of water. When the flames subdue the first order of business is rapid and comprehensive water removal. Water is a safety hazard, causing slip and fall risks as well as exposing inhabitants and restoration crews to electrocution concerns. It also is a destructive force on its own, dissolving drywall, warping flooring, and creating a perfect environment for mold growth among other worries.

Our SERVPRO technicians hold multiple certifications in water and fire remediation disciplines, mastered through IICRC courses. Once the pumps and water extractors, air movers and dehumidifiers return spaces to near normal moisture levels, our crew changes focus and begin soot and smoke cleanup.

Property owners quickly learn soot cleaning is a complicated process. SERVPRO technicians evaluate the characteristics of the residues in different areas of the home. Paper burns fast and hot, leaving a light, ashy type of debris. Vacuuming and brushing work well to clear this soiling. Cloth and electrical cords create thick, sticky soot that might need an abrasive cleaning product or tool to dislodge.

Protein fires, frequent in the kitchen, lay down a thin but hard to budge coating that is almost like shellac. SERVPRO technicians change tactics and use a solvent or cleaner rich in wetting agents and surfactants to loosen for removal.

Once the cleanup is underway, SERVPRO also begins devising a blueprint to manage other fire damage remediation tasks. Some of the crew is assigned to deodorization tasks, using strategies ranging from a thorough cleaning to advanced equipment like hydroxyl generators. Other technicians help sort through personal possessions, identifying those that we expect to respond well to cleaning tricks that turn tarnished and blackened items back to their previous appearance and function.

SERVPRO of Braun Station has the trained employees and equipment to cut fire damage restoration down to size. Contact our office day or night at (210) 267-2159 to schedule a post-fire assessment as soon as possible after the event.

Click here for information on San Antonio Missions Historical Park.

Fire Damage Restoration Challenges Conquered In Leon Valley

9/4/2018 (Permalink)

Female technician wearing a black shirt and blue gloves cleaning soot on a ceiling SERVPRO has the tools and equipment to remove soot after fire damage.

When your Leon Valley home suffers a fire, you and your family are likely terrified and overwhelmed. Even if the blaze extinguished quickly, the evidence of fire damage is everywhere in the house. You might feel that the soot and smoke ruined much of your personal property, but a consultation with our fire restoration technicians can bring better news. Let us show you how our training, skills, and equipment assist in restoration.

If your family survived fire damage in your Leon Valley , you breathe a sigh of relief although you accept that most of your possessions are lost. Before discarding soot and odor-laden personal belongings, work with our team at our production facility. We are in continuous contact with your insurance company, determining which items we can restore to save your memories and your money. Give us a chance to save your family’s treasures as well as restoring your home to preloss condition.

To best evaluate the condition and restoration potential of everything from clothing to a child’s favorite stuffed animal SERVPRO often recommends a pack out of the damaged items. We use a thorough inventory system to track your possessions, and our written records and comments help when your present claim requests to your insurance company. Once the portable items leave the damaged space, we also find it easier to clean, disinfect, and restore the structural damage.

Often fire damage  includes water damage, and our SERVPRO production technicians are skilled in cleanup and recovery of both water and smoke or soot contamination. We have resources like freeze-drying for papers, pictures, and books and electronic restoration experts for computers, phones, and entertainment systems. Our production area features commercial washers and immersion cleaning systems that can manage and reverse the damage done by acidic fire residues.

We can help you make proper decisions about food, personal care items, and other supplies exposed to the heat and smoke of a fire. Even sealed jars and cans can expose your family to food poisoning or soot contamination risks after a fire. Heat can activate microorganisms, and fine soot can “climb” the rings of a lidded jar. Refrigerators and freezers might protect your food if gaskets hold and the power is never or only briefly interrupted. SERVPRO is familiar with the warning signs and helps customers make the safe choice in the pantry and kitchen after a fire.

SERVPRO of Braun Station is ready to help when fire damages your home. Our team offers a wide range of options that allow us to clean and restore both personal and real property. Call us at (210) 267-2159 to arrange for a comprehensive consultation in the aftermath of a household fire.

Click here  for helpful information about Leon Valley, TX

Why Choose Professional Restoration For Fire Damages In Your San Antonio Home

8/18/2018 (Permalink)

Fire charred framework in a home A small fire quickly extinguished still left significant amounts of smoke damage and heavy soot throughout the home. The soot affected most living spa

After fire damages, count on the professionals at SERVPRO

After the firefighting teams and first responders have left the scene at your San Antonio residence, you might be curious of how to proceed with getting your home back to the way it used to be. As much as you might understand about professional restoration services, there are still many homeowners that do not fully understand the nature of the work that we do.

Better appreciating the full scope of the work that professional restoration technicians can do for the fire damages in your San Antonio  home, the better prepared you are to know what to expect. You are also better informed then as to why you need to employ a company for this venture and not attempt the work on your own.

Equipment is a big part of the work that SERVPRO does in fire restoration projects. From the tools that we use to remove lingering water damage from extinguishing efforts, to the equipment that helps us to clear out harmful and noxious smoke damage from the affected areas, these are specialized units explicitly created for restoring homes and commercial properties.

IICRC Certification  is also at the heart of the work that we do when restoring fire damage to those in the community. Every one of our technicians has unique training and certifications in their particular restoration niche to offer the most experience and expedient work for your home, regardless of the severity of the damage we experience.

Much of the work we do is intended to live up to the commitment we have to our customers, that We're Faster To Any Size Disaster. That means that we are available 24/7 and respond as quickly as possible to help you mitigate the damages and loss in your home and get the process started on putting the pieces back together promptly.

You might not always think of professional restoration companies first, but our SERVPRO  of Braun Station technicians work to earn our reputation with every project that we undertake. You can trust our team to show up quickly and to offer high-quality restoration work to continue being a trusted name in the industry. Give our emergency response team a call today at (210) 267-2159.

See more about the San Antonio fire department by clicking here.

How Professional Fire Damage Restoration Improves Your Business’s Quick Recovery

7/10/2018 (Permalink)

Flames on a grill Count on SERVPRO after fire damage in your business.

Recover after fire damage with the help of SERVPRO

No business owner in San Antonio wants the focus for their clients or customers to be the company's ineffective recovery from a disaster. Keeping any damage from fire low key by trying to manage it in-house feels as though you retain control of both the recovery process and your brand. This benefits from this approach quickly become detriments when the challenges fire restoration derail your well-intentioned cleaning staff’s efforts. Involve our well-qualified and equipped fire damage crews to abate the effects fast and to health and restoration industry standards.

The fire damage in your San Antonio  restaurant kitchen extinguished swiftly, but the damage is surprisingly pervasive. Smoke and soot are difficult to contain, especially when everyone involved concentrates on putting the fire out by any means possible. Concerns about the spread of fire residues assert after the fire department leaves. Our crews receive comprehensive training not only on basic cleaning at a fire site but also on a myriad of strategies to seek and halt migration of and remediate the non-combusted particles sent airborne during a conflagration.

Many restaurants use open layouts to connect diners to the magic occurring in the kitchen. With little blocking airflow, it is nearly impossible to stop fire residues from depositing on the tables, chairs, and flooring in your dining room. When SERVPRO’s crew arrives, we assess the extent of the fire damage apparent and plan to limit any further spread. If the majority of the damage is in the kitchen area, we can decide to set up a containment zone around the cooking area with heavy plastic sheeting and a negative pressure air scrubber system that prevents more residues from escaping into the spaces where your customers enjoy their meals. We use the walls and doors in place, but augment as needed to keep the spaces separated.

SERVPRO then matches the type of sooty residue  with suitable cleaning tools and products. Kitchen fires are frequently protein based, laying down a thin but tenacious lacquer-like film that can require solvents to dislodge. We get to work in the containment chamber on the surfaces close to the fire center using techniques that minimize smearing and are appropriate for the damaged materials.

Meanwhile, in the parts of your restaurant further from the burning, we evaluate the type of soot and other residues that invaded before the establishment of the containment perimeter. SERVPRO technicians can vary the products, techniques, and tools if we encounter different types of residues. Lighter, ashy residues respond well to vacuums, dusting, and dry sponging. Stickier residues need the addition of cleaners with wetting agents and surfactants to loosen for wiping or scrubbing.

All spaces are likely to need deodorization, and SERVPRO  employs cutting-edge technology to eliminate smells through chemical neutralization. Cover-ups like candles or air fresheners fail while our resources are broad and eventually remove the odors when our trained employees monitor the process, adjusting the methods until we achieve success.

Fire damage restoration is a process best left to the experts rather than learned by trial and error. SERVPRO of Braun Station is available at (210) 267-2159 24 hours a day, year-round to meet your disaster recovery needs.

Click here  for Historic sites to visit in San Antonio.

Taking Control of the Flames

3/9/2018 (Permalink)

A backdraft of emotions often sweeps over the homeowners after a fire ravages a home. Fear, uncertainty, stress and doubt about the future of the property can overwhelm the homeowner long after the flames have been extinguished and the smoke has cleared.

So after the first wave of heroes have rescued the property, let your friendly neighbors from SERVPRO® of Braun Station help you restore it. With our highly trained professional technicians and cutting-edge technology, along with our open communication, we strive to restore not only the home, but the customer's peace of mind.

So, before you risk doing further damage by attempting to clean up the damage yourself, call your friends at SERVPRO® of Braun Station. Available 24/7- 210-267-2159 

Carbon Monoxide: A Silent Killer in San Antonio

2/8/2018 (Permalink)

Carbon monoxide is a gas you cannot see, taste, or smell. According to, an average of 430 Americans die each year from unintentional carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Oftentimes, it is the result of faulty, improperly used, or vented consumer products like furnaces, ranges, water
heaters, room heaters, and engine-powered equipment, such as portable generators.

However, there are precautions you can take to help protect yourself, your family, and your employees from deadly CO fumes.

Reduce the chance of CO exposure in your workplace by performing regular maintenance on equipment and appliances that can produce CO. Install carbon monoxide detectors on every level of the home, including outside of all bedrooms.

Consider having all fuel-burning heating equipment and chimneys serviced annually by a professional. Use portable generators only in well-ventilated areas away from doors, windows, vents, and any other openings to prevent fumes from entering the home.

For additional CO safety information, visit or

Putting Out Fires

12/29/2017 (Permalink)

The first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing your property and personal belongings. SERVPRO of Braun Station professionals can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term problems. Our SERVPRO professionals provide timely response with mitigation services ranging from fire, smoke and soot removal to contents claims inventory and document restoration. These services help ensure your property, belongings and memories are restored to preloss condition when possible. 

Your SERVPRO of Braun Station professionals are available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year to help you regain control quickly.

Ask about our content claims inventory service and document restoration services.

Cooking During the Holidays

11/20/2017 (Permalink)

November—when cooler temperatures arrive, the leaves change, and family-oriented get-togethers, like Thanksgiving, begin the holiday season. While you are busy whipping up delicious dishes in the kitchen, it is also important to take time to remember safety.

Each November, families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving by preparing a delicious feast, but if you don’t practice safe cooking habits, your holiday could become hazardous very quickly. According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries. The leading cause of fires in the kitchen is unattended cooking. It’s important to be alert to prevent cooking fires.

Here at SERVPRO® of Braun Station we want to share with you some safety protocols to help keep your family safe. 

  • Be on alert! If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol don’t use the stove or stovetop.

  • Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling, boiling, or broiling food.

  • If you are simmering, baking, or roasting food, check it regularly, remain in the kitchen while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking.

  • Keep anything that can catch fire—oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels, or curtains—away from the stovetop.

Smoke Behavior

11/3/2017 (Permalink)

Severely fire damaged kitchen The effects of fire and smoke damage.

The damage to your property following a fire can often be complicated due to the unique behavior of smoke. There are two different types of smoke-wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. SERVPRO® of Braun Station Professionals are thoroughly trained in fire cleanup and restoration and know the different types of smoke and their behavior patterns. Knowing this information is vital to proper restoration. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO® of Braun StationProfessionals will survey the loss to determine the extent of impact from fire, smoke, heat, and moisture on the building materials and contents. The soot will then be tested to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. Pretesting determines the proper cleaning method and allows your local SERVPRO® of Braun Station Professionals to focus on saving your precious items. Your local SERVPRO® of Braun Station Professionals know smoke can penetrate various cavities within the structure, causing hidden damage and odor. Their knowledge of building systems helps them investigate how far smoke damage may have spread.

Call The Cleanup Team That Is Faster to Any Size Disaster

10/11/2017 (Permalink)

Cartoon dog with book about planning an escape route Fire Prevention Week is October 8 through October 14

October is Fire Prevention Month and an excellent
time to examine the emergency preparedness plans for your home and business, including your fire escape plan. Do you have a fire escape plan? Have you changed your smoke alarm batteries within the last year? Are you prepared?

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) sets aside a designated week each October to focus on fire prevention. The 2017 theme is “Every Second Counts: Plan 2 Ways Out!”

According to the NFPA, once the fire alarm goes off “you could have less than two minutes to get out safely,” yet only 8 percent of people surveyed
said getting out was the first thought after hearing a fire alarm. Creating, implementing, and practicing a fire escape plan for your home or business may be the difference between safety and tragedy. Make a plan today.

Your local SERVPRO® of Braun Station Franchise
Professionals want you to stay safe, informed, and prepared to help ensure you are ready for any disaster that comes your way.

Carbon Monoxide: A Silent Killer in San Antonio

9/6/2017 (Permalink)

You can’t see or smell carbon monoxide, but at high levels, it can kill a person in minutes. Often called the silent killer, carbon monoxide, or CO,
is an invisible, odorless, colorless gas, created when fuels, like gasoline, wood, coal, natural gas and propane burn incompletely.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), each year more than 400 Americans die from unintentional CO poisoning. It
is estimated another 20,000 visit the emergency room, and more than 4,000 are hospitalized due to CO poisoning.  All people and animals are at risk for CO poisoning, with some groups—
including unborn babies, infants, and
people with chronic heart disease, anemia, or respiratory problems— being more susceptible to the effects of carbon monoxide.

An excess of CO, leading to CO poisoning, can result from faulty furnaces or other heating appliances, portable generators, water heaters,
clothes dryers, or idling cars left running in garages.  Taking some basic, precautionary
steps can help eliminate the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Protect yourself by reviewing the following tips, provided by the United States Fire Administration.

  • Have fuel-burning appliances, like
    oil and gas furnaces, gas or kerosene
    heaters, fireplaces, and wood stoves
    inspected by a trained professional
    every year.
  • Open the damper for proper
    ventilation before using a fireplace.
    Never use your oven or stove top to
    heat your home.
  • Make sure all fuel-burning vented
    equipment is vented to the outside
    to avoid CO poisoning. Keep
    the venting for exhaust clear and
  • If you need to warm a vehicle,
    remove it from the garage
    immediately after starting it. Never
    run a vehicle or other fueled engine
    or motor indoors, even if garage
    doors are open. Make sure the
    exhaust pipe of a running vehicle is
    not blocked with snow, ice, or other
  • Make sure vents for the dryer,
    furnace, stove, and fireplace are clear
    of snow and other debris.
  • Only use barbecue grills outside,
    away from all doors, windows,
    vents, and other building openings.
    Some grills can produce CO gas.
    Never use grills inside the home
    or the garage, even if the doors are
  • Use portable generators outdoors
    in well-ventilated areas away from
    all doors, windows, vents, and
    other building openings to prevent
    exhaust fumes from entering the

Customer Satisfaction in San Antonio

3/8/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Braun Station knows that our customers come first, especially when dealing with fire remediation.  Here is a real quote from a real customer:

“I’m writing to praise outstanding work performed by SERVPRO®. I have worked with SERVPRO® in the past and have always had a pleasant experience. However, I must point out recognition for the crew we had working here the past few days. The levels of professionalism, courtesy, attention to details, and willingness to please us as a customer was superb and very refreshing, especially since I was already stressed from the fire and everything evolving from the fire. Everyone from the supervision team down to the workers on to the crew picking up the equipment for return have each been a great pleasure to work with. They have each contributed more than they know to re-establishing our building, and most of all, helping me keep sane in the mist of so much turmoil. My highest praise and “standing ovation” applause to your entire crew. Thank you.”

Halt Winter Heating Hazards San Antonio

2/22/2017 (Permalink)

The winter season is here and with it comes shorter days and lower temperatures. No matter where you live, winter brings a change in the weather. In an effort to keep our homes and workplaces cozy, many people use alternative heat sources like fireplaces, portable space heaters, and wood burning stoves. Did you know, heating equipment is a leading cause of home fire deaths? According to the National Fire Protection Association, heating equipment fires cause an estimated $1 billion in direct property damage annually. Keep the following  safety tips in mind to help reduce your risk of a heating-related fire.

  • Keep anything flammable at least three feet away from heating equipment
  • Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room.
  • Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned & inspected annually
  • Test smoke alarms monthly

If your property does suffer fire damage, contact SERVPRO of Braun Station to help make it "Like it never even happened."

Celebrate the Holidays Safely

12/14/2016 (Permalink)

Pretty lights, candles and decorations are just a few of the items bringing charm and cheer to the holiday season—however, if they are not used carefully your holidays may go from festive to frightening.

 The American Red Cross offers the following safety tips to help greatly reduce the risk in your home or business this holiday season.

  • Place Christmas trees, candles and other holiday decorations at least three feet away from heat sources like fireplaces, portable heaters, radiators, heat vents and candles.
  • Make sure that light strings and other holiday decorations are in good condition.
  • Do not use anything with frayed electrical cords and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Always unplug tree and holiday lights before leaving the property or going to bed.
  • Never use lit candles to decorate a tree.
  • Always extinguish candles before leaving the room or going to bed.
  • Use only sturdy tree stands designed not to tip over.
  • Keep curious pets and children away from Christmas trees.
  • Keep anything that can catch on fire—pot holders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, paper or plastic bags, food packaging, and towels or curtains—away from your stove top.
  • Designate one person to walk around your property to ensure all candles and smoking materials are properly extinguished after guests leave.

Your local SERVPRO® of Braun Station Franchise Professionals wish you a safe and happy holiday season!

SERVPRO of Braun Station Is Faster to Any Size Disaster

11/2/2016 (Permalink)

Turkey on a set dinner table with a fireplace in the background SERVPRO of Braun Station is here for you San Antonio

For  many people, November is a time to enjoy cooler temperatures, beautifully colored leaves and family-oriented get togethers, like Thanksgiving.  While you are busy whipping up delicious dishes, it is also important to take time to remember safety.

Cooking fires are the leading cause of the leading cause of home fires and home fire-related injuries in the United States.  The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports U.S. fire departments respond to an average of 357,000 home structure fires each year- forty-five percent of those fires are attributed to home cooking fires.  These fires are also responsible for thousands of injuries and more than $6.9 billion in property damage each year.

By taking a few precautions, you can help ensure your holiday plans don't up in smoke!

Your local SERVPRO of Braun Station wants you to stay safe.  If you do experience a fire or water damage, call us today at (210) 267-2159.

San Antonio Every second counts during a fire.

10/12/2016 (Permalink)

Fire experts agree, people have as little as two minutes to escape a burning home before it’s too late to get out.* In a matter of moments, a small flame can become a major fire, making it critical to be prepared and have an escape plan in place. A survey conducted by the American Red Cross shows only 26 percent of families have developed and practiced a home fire escape plan. Once a plan is developed, it is critical everyone in the home understands the plan; the best way to do this is by practicing the escape plan at least twice a year. Increase your chance of surviving a fire by ensuring you have working smoke detectors in place, building an escape plan, and then practicing the escape plan. The following are a few suggestions to help you develop an emergency escape plan.


Draw a map of each level of your home and show all doors and windows. Find two ways to get out of each room. Make sure all doors and windows that lead outside open easily.


Consider escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second and third floors. Only purchase collapsible escape ladders evaluated by a recognized testing laboratory. Store them near the window where they will be used.


Choose an outside meeting place a safe distance in front of your home where everyone can meet after they’ve escaped. Make sure to mark the location of the meeting place on your escape plan.


Teach children how to escape on their own in case you cannot help them. Plan for everyone in your home with special considerations for elderly or disabled individuals.


Practice your fire escape plan during the day and at nighttime.

Why You Should Hire Professionals for Fire Restoration

10/4/2016 (Permalink)

Why You Should Hire Professionals for Fire Restoration - San Antonio

Disaster strikes when we least expect it, but all is not lost. With comprehensive fire restoration services, you can return to your usual life quickly and easily, as long as you don’t attempt DIY fire damage repair.

SERVPRO of Braun Station is a fire and water cleanup and restoration company based in San Antonio, TX. Since 1967, the experienced technicians have assisted homeowners throughout the area with essential fire restoration services to make the effects of disasters a thing of the past.

Any type of restoration services can be costly. While the thought might make you want to open up Google and search for a crafty remedy to your problems, this could actually make your home an even more dangerous, uninhabitable place to live. Many DIY homeowners will attempt to clear, clean, and repair the rooms where the damage occurred, but by doing so, they nearly always assume that other rooms of the home haven’t been affected.

Water damage from firefighting efforts won’t simply remain in one area; instead, the moisture from stagnant water or damp quarters could affect other parts of the house. If this isn’t handled immediately, it could lead to long-term damage.

The smoke from fires can infiltrate all areas of the home, and it’s tough to remove. There are many different types of smoke, and each one needs to be treated with certain chemicals for proper and permanent odor removal.

These chemicals will need to be handled with care, preferably by professionals who understand their dangers. SERVPRO of Braun Station’s technicians offer home inspections, damage assessment, and fire restoration services that are individualized to each home’s condition. They have the training and equipment needed to determine the extent of the damage.

Trust your professional fire restoration technicians to take care of your home. With 24/7 service, SERVPRO of Braun Station will repair and restore your home as soon as you call them. For more information, call (210) 267-2159, and stay updated on social media by liking them on Facebook.

Fire Prevention Month San Antonio

9/28/2016 (Permalink)

Bathroom covered in drywall from the ceiling after a fire SERVPRO of Braun Station stand ready to help if you experience a fire damage.

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October is Fire Prevention Month- a perfect time to examine emergency preparedness plans for your home and business, including your fire escape plan.  Do you have a fire escape plan?  Have you changed your smoke alarm batteries within the last year?

Red Cross Fire Prevention

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) designates a week each October to focus on fire prevention awareness.  The 2016 them is “Don’t Wait- Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years,” designed to educate the public on the basic but essential elements of smoke alarm safety.  The NFPA recommends installing smoke alarms in every bedroom outside each separate sleeping area, and on every level of your home, including the basement.  Did you know that roughly half of home fire deaths result from fires reported between 11pm and 7am, when most people are asleep?  Smoke alarms save lives.  In fact, having a working smoke alarm cuts the chances of dying in a reported fire in half.

Stay safe and prepare now to ensure you are ready for any disaster.  If you experience a home or fire damage, SERVPRO of Braun Station is prepared to help. 210-267-2159

3 Fire Damage Odor Removal Tips for San Antonio Residents

7/20/2016 (Permalink)

Fire damage is something no one enjoys thinking about. Unfortunately, it’s a reality for many home and business owners. The good news is fire restoration services can help rid homes of even the most persistent smoke odors that come from fire damage. This is why SERVPRO of Braun Station has been the top choice for residents of San Antonio, TX, for all their fire restoration and odor removal needs.  The professionals at SERVPRO of Braun Station know smoke and fire damage can be devastating for any resident to live with, but you don’t have to settle for unpleasant, lingering odors. 

Here are the top three tips to help you tackle smoke and other odors from fire damage in your home:

  • Use Vinegar On Fabrics: The fabrics in your home act as a sponge for the smoke. Using vinegar on your blankets, curtains, pillows, bedding, and couch cushions can help with odor removal. For the items in your washing machine, add two cups of white vinegar with a cold water cycle. Take the items that are not washable to your dry cleaners to see if they can remove the odor for you. fire restoration
  • Use Baking Soda On Carpets & Furniture: Baking soda is excellent for odor removal for the larger items in your home that aren’t washable. Sprinkle baking soda over your carpets, couches, mattresses, and other large items; then let it sit for 30 to 60 minutes before vacuuming. This should help eradicate the set-in smell.
  • Bring In The Big Guns: Sometimes, smoke odors are too tough to handle on your own, which is when it’s best to bring in fire restoration experts to help restore your home to like-new condition. SERVPRO of Braun Station’s trained fire restoration technicians offer fast response and 24-hour emergency service to take care of odors throughout your home.

Don’t throw away your prized possessions or feel like a prisoner in your own home. SERVPRO of Braun Station will make your home look brand new and smell wonderful again. Call (210) 267-2159 or visit them online to learn more about their full line of fire restoration and trauma scene cleanup services.

Celebrate Summer Safely San Antonio

6/22/2016 (Permalink)

Summer is synonymous with barbecues, parades and fireworks displays; but along with all the festivities are plenty of visits to emergency room- especially during July.

Each year, around 230 people are injured badly enough to require medical treatment after fireworks-related incidents, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.  In addition to causing injury, fireworks are also responsible for thousands of house fires each year with millions of dollars in property damage.

There is nothing like firing up the grill during the summer months!  Did you know, July is the peak month for grill fires?  A backyard barbeque can become dangerous quickly if proper safety precautions aren’t considered.  Your local SERVPRO of Braun Station Franchise Professionals want you to have an enjoyable and safe summer.  Consider the following tips to help ensure your summer celebrations are disaster-free!

·         Propane and charcoal BBQ grills should only be used outdoors

·         The grill should be placed well away from the home, deck railings, and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.

·         Keep children and pets away from grill area.

·         Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grill.

·         Never leave your grill unattended.

·         When using a charcoal grill, let the coals completely cool before disposing in a metal container.

·         Anyone using fireworks or standing nearby should wear protective eyewear.

·         Do not try to re-light or handle malfunctioning fireworks.  Keep a bucket of water nearby to fully extinguish fireworks that don’t go off or in case of fire.  Children should never pick up fireworks that may be left over as they may still be active.

·         The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public display conducted by trained professionals.

Tips and information provided by the National Fire Protection Association

SERVPRO of Braun Station in San Antonio is here if a fire damage is experienced.  Stay Safe San Antonio!

SERVPRO of Braun Station and Fire Damage Remediation

6/17/2016 (Permalink)

If you’re a native Texan, chances are you’ve come to love hot weather and hot sauce. However, when this famous Southern heat comes in the form of a house fire, it ceases to be a symbol of state pride. Luckily, SERVPRO of Braun Station is prepared to treat fire damage to your San Antonio property with their time-tested expertise.

When your home has suffered the after effects of smoke and flames, remember this helpful list of guidelines to ensure your home receives the top-quality fire restoration service it requires:

  • Find Safety & Get Help: Immediately after a fire, even a home appearing to be minimally damaged can be too dangerous to occupy. Oftentimes, firefighters need to cut holes in walls and roofs to add ventilation and check for hidden flames, causing the entire structure of your home to become unstable. Once you’ve found a safe place to recover, don’t forget to comfort scared pets calmly as they may translate their fear into aggression. As soon as you can, tell your insurance company what happened. They may ask you to take note of which items were damaged or suggest fire restoration services.
  • Act Quickly: As soon as you’ve confirmed the safety of your family and notified your insurance company, it’s important to take action while damage is still settling in. If fire damage restoration begins as soon as possible, soot residue has less time to become ingrained in your furniture and fixtures, or eat away at the finish on your floors and walls. Fortunately, SERVPRO of Braun Station offers 24-hour emergency service, so you can get things moving while there’s still time to salvage your belongings.
  • Ask Questions & Coordinate Responsibility: Once SERVPRO of Braun Station arrives to inspect the extent of the fire damage, remember to ask questions about their findings, and determine exactly what needs to be done. Once the fire damage experts have explained their plans to clear out any fire or water damage that occurred while putting out the fire, SERVPRO will work with you and your insurance agent to begin restoring the beauty of your home. 

If your home has been damaged in a fire, call SERVPRO of Braun Station at (210) 267-2159 for emergency service. Visit the website for more information on the restoration services offered.

Spring Storm Lightning and Your San Antonio Home

5/13/2016 (Permalink)

The recent storms across Bexar County have included their fair share of lightening performances.  As the amount of lightening increases, the risk of lightening hitting the ground also increases.  Recently, in Helotes a home was significantly damaged due to a lightening strike. 

SERVPRO of Braun Station knows the difficulties that surround fire damage.  We have both the professionally trained staff as well as the compassion to help remediate your home or office if fire causes damage.  Our expertly trained staff are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year to come and evaluate your home or office to determine the appropriate actions that need to be taken after a fire has caused damage.  Don't delay, call us today and we can help get your back into your home or business.

San Antonio Fire and Soot Damage Tips

2/29/2016 (Permalink)

Smoke webs due to fire on a ceiling Fire damage in a San Antonio home. Notice the extent of the soot webs. SERVPRO of Braun Station was able to quickly clean up this damage.

A home or business fire is an incredibly difficult disaster and at SERVPRO of Braun Station we want to give you a few tips to help minimize the damage after fire or smoke.

What To Do After A Fire

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so as not to further soil upholstery, walls and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator and prop doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

What NOT To Do After A Fire

  • Don't attempt to wash any walls or painted surfaces or shampoo carpet or upholstery without contacting your SERVPRO Franchise Professional.
  • Don't attempt to clean any electrical appliances that may have been close to fire, heat or water without consulting an authorized repair service.
  • Don't use any canned or packaged food or beverages that may have been stored near the fire, heat or water.
  • Don't turn on ceiling fixtures if ceiling is wet. The wiring may be damaged.
  • Don't send garments to an ordinary dry cleaner. Improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

After a fire, call SERVPRO of Braun Station at (210) 267-2159. We are ready to help when you need us.

Smoke Alarms Save Lives San Antonio

2/17/2016 (Permalink)

One man next to a firefighter Leon Valley Fire Chief Valdez and SERVPRO of Braun Station want to help prevent fire injuries

Smoke alarms play a vital role in saving lives, and when properly installed, can reduce the risk of fire injury in half.

The National Fire Protection Association recommends smoke alarms be installed in every bedroom, outside all sleeping quarters and on every level of the house.  Business owners should consult the local Fire Marshall to ensure specific building fire codes and smoke detector requirements are met.

Smoke alarms work best when paired with a fire escape plan.  A plan allows your family, employees or clients to escape quickly and safely in an emergency situation. 

Review the following tips regarding smoke detector installation and maintenance.  For more on emergency preparedness, contact your local SERVPRO of Braun Station Franchise Professionals at (210) 267-2159.


  • Install smoke alarms on every level of the home, including the basement.
  • Smoke alarms should be installed away from the kitchen to prevent false alarms.  Generally, they should be at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance.
  • Test smoke alarms at least once a month using the test button.
  • Replace batteries in all smoke alarms at least once a year.  We have found it useful to change the batteries when daylight savings time either begins or ends.  If an alarm "chirps," the battery is low and should be replaced right away.
  • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old.

Just the Facts: Smoke Alarms


  • Three out of five fire deaths occur in homes with no smoke alarms or when the alarms are not working
  • Smoke alarm failures usually result from missing, disconnected, or dead batteries.
  • More than one-third (37 percent) of home fire deaths result from fires in which no smoke alarms are present.
  • The risk of dying in a home fire is cut in half in homes with working smoke alarms.

SERVPRO of Braun Station in San Antonio wants you and your family to be safe.  If you have a home or business fire, we are here for you and are a phone call away.

San Antonio Fire Damage Restoration is Our Business

1/29/2016 (Permalink)

  A home or business fire can be a very stressful event for the property owner.  Damage to personal belongings and the contents of the building is just one concern.  Timely mitigation is the key to controlling damage, while reducing downtime and recovery costs.  Your local SERVPRO of Braun Station Franchise Professionals understand how disruptive fires can be for business owners, their tenants and even their customers.  That is why SERVPRO of Braun Station Professionals offer 24-hour emergency response.  SERVPRO's Service Response Guidelines can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term problems.  Under normal circumstances, a SERVPRO of Braun Station Franchise Professional will be on-site of a fire damage within four hours to begin emergency mitigation services.

   The rapid response and the training of your local San Antonio SERVPRO Franchise Professionals will help limit damage and get your facility back in operation quickly and help make it, "Like it never even happened."

San Antonio Eliminate Heating Hazards This Winter

12/21/2015 (Permalink)

Burned contents including a computer and a heater SERVPRO of Braun Station wants you to have a safe and Happy Holiday! The tips above will hopefully help prevent a fire damage.

Although the temperature has not been too cold as of lately, we all know that soon enough it will be a cold December or January day.  Soon, the winter season will be in full swing! The days are shorter and the temperatures are lower. No matter where you live, winter brings a change in the weather. In an effort to keep our homes and workplaces cozy, many people use alternative heat sources like fireplaces, portable space heaters, and wood burning stoves. According to the National Fire Protection Association, heating equipment is responsible for an estimated $893 million in property damage annually. Heating is the second leading cause of residential fire deaths, making it important to review ways to help reduce the risk of a heating-related fire.

  • Keep anything flammable at least three feet away from heating equipment, like the furnace, fireplace, wood stove, or a portable space heater. Have a three foot “kid-free zone” around open fires and space heaters.
  • Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed.
  • Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the manufacturer, for fuel burning space heaters.
  • Make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to stop sparks from flying into the room. Ashes should be cool before putting them in a metal container. Keep the container a safe distance away from your home.
  • Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional.
  • Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment, water heaters or central heating equipment according to the local codes and manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Test smoke alarms monthly.

If your property does suffer fire damage, contact your local SERVPRO® of Braun Station Franchise Professionals to help make it “Like it never even happened.” We are a phone call away at (210) 267-2159.

San Antonio Make This Fall Fire Free

10/29/2015 (Permalink)

Jack-o-Lantern smiling SERVPRO of Braun Station wishes you a Happy Halloween!

The fall season brings cooler temperatures, beautiful colors and an abundance of outdoor activities.  Plan ahead this season to help ensure it is safe and fire free.

·         Fall decorations, like dried flowers and cornstalks, are highly flammable.  Keep these and other decorations away from open flames and heat sources, including light bulbs and heaters.

·         Keep emergency extis clear of decorations, so nothing blocks escape routes.

·         Teach children to stay away from open flames.  Be sure they know how to stop, drop and roll if their clothing catches fire.

·         Remember safety first when choosing a Halloween costumes.  Consider avoiding billowing fabric.  If you are making your costume, choose material that won’t easily ignite if it comes into contact with heat or a flame.

·         It is safest to use a flashlight or battery-operated candle in a jack-o-lantern.  Use extreme caution if using a real candle. Place lit pumpkins away from anything that can burn, and out of the way of doorsteps, walkways and yards.

For more fall fire facts head over to

SERVPRO of Braun Station is always ready to help if fire or water damage happen.  San Antonio we are your locally owned and operated franchise.

Call the SAN ANTONIO CLEANUP TEAM that’s faster to any size disaster.

7/16/2015 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Disaster Recovery working on large commercial building SERVPRO of Braun Station in conjunction with our Disaster Recover team is ready for whatever happens.

Faster to any sized disaster. This is not just another tag line for SERVPRO®- it is a commitment from each SERVPRO® of Braun Station Franchise Professional to be there when you need them most. Whether you are a small business or home
owner facing minor fire or water damage, or a property manager dealing with a widespread disaster, the SERVPRO® System has the resources needed to respond quickly and efficiently. The sooner help arrives, the sooner restoration begins and the sooner you can resume life and business as usual.

Your local SERVPRO® of Braun Station Franchise is just the tip of the iceberg. Should a major disaster such as a flood or wildfire occur, SERVPRO’s Disaster Recovery Team® is always poised and ready to go where they are needed.  Learn more about this elite team and a few of the events they’ve responded to over our next few news and updates posts.

If a fire, water or mold damage strikes, no matter the size, call your local SERVPRO® of Braun Station Franchise Professionals at (210) 267-2159. Backed by a system of Franchises nearly 1,700 strong, we’ll help make your property disaster “Like it never even happened.”

San Antonio Smoke Alarms Save Lives

3/2/2015 (Permalink)

White smoke detector with red button and smoke going towards it SERVPRO of Braun Station in San Antonio encourages you to change your smoke detector batteries as we "spring" forward with the time change

Smoke alarms play a vital role in saving lives, and when properly installed, can reduce the risk of fire injury in half. 

The National Fire Protection Association recommends smoke alarms be installed in every bedroom, outside all sleeping quarters and on every level of the house.  Business owners should consult the local Fire Marshall to ensure specific building fire codes and smoke detector requirements are met.

Smoke alarms work best when paired with a fire escape plan.  A plan allows your family, employees or clients to escape quickly and safely in an emergency situation.

Review the following tips regarding smoke detector installation and maintenance.  For more on emergency preparedness, contact your local SERVPRO of Braun Station Professionals at (210) 267-2159.

  • Install smoke alarms on every level of the home, including the basement
  • Smoke alarms should be installed away from the kitchen to prevent false alarms.  Generally, they should be at least 10 feet from a cooking appliance.
  • Test smoke alarms at least once a month using the test button.
  • Replace batteries in all smoke alarms at least once a year.  We like to recommend doing this to coincide with the changing of the clocks, which is happening March 8, 2015.  If an alarm "chirps," the battery is low and should be replaced right away.
  • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old.


  • Three out of five fire deaths occur in homes with no smoke alarms or when the alarms are not working.
  • Smoke alarm failures usually result from missing, disconnected, or dead batteries.
  • More than one-third (37 percent) of home fire deaths results from fires in which no smoke alarms are present.
  • The risk of dying in a home fire is cut in half in homes with working smoke alarms.

We at SERVPRO of Braun Station hope that these tips will help keep you and your family safe.  Remember we are alway here to help if fire or smoke does try to harm your home or business.  We are a phone call away at (210) 267-2159.

SERVPRO of Braun Station is Faster to Any Size Fire Disaster in San Antonio

1/28/2015 (Permalink)

The first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing damaged property and personal belongings.  Rapid response and timely mitigation can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term problems.

Your local SERVPRO of Braun Station Franchise Professionals understand returning to normal is your primary concern.  SERVPRO Response Teams are trained in caring for both you and your property.  By responding quickly with a full line of cleanup and restoration services, you local SERVPRO of Braun Station Franchise Professionals can help get your home or business back up and running quickly and help protect your property and belongings.

Oftentimes homeowners and key decision makers in businesses think of SERVPRO of Braun Station as only available when there has been a major fire event that causes damage to more than a single room of a building, but we are here for more than just the major fire events.  Some recent examples of fire related work that we have completed include: an oven fire that caused smoke damage to the kitchen of a home, an office fire due to an electrical outlet that caused damage to just one portion of the office, and smoke damage from a fire place failure in a home that caused soot throughout the attic space.  We are also available to help deodorize after the cleanup portion has been completed for your fire damage.

If your home or business suffers fire damage, contact your local SERVPRO of Braun Station Franchise Professionals at (210) 267-2159 to help make it "Like it never even happened." 

San Antonio Help Prevent Heating Hazards

12/31/2014 (Permalink)

Flames Helpful tips to prevent fire damage in your San Antonio home

Winter is in full swing! The days are shorter and the temperatures are lower.  No matter where you live, winter brings a change in the weather.  In surrounding areas of San Antonio.  In an effort to keep our homes and workplaces cozy, many people use alternative heat sources like fireplaces, portable space heaters, and wood burning stoves.  According to the National Fire Protection Association, heating equipment is involved in an estimated 53,600 reported residential fires annually, with associated losses of 400 deaths, 1,520 injuries, and $893 million in property damage.  Heating is the second leading cause of residential fire deaths, making it important to review ways to help reduce the risk of a heating- related fire.

  • Keep flammable items at least three feet away from heating equipment.
  • Have a qualified professional install stationary space heating equipment, water heaters or central heating equipment according to the local codes and manufacturer's instructions.
  • Remember to turn portable heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed.
  • Plug space heaters directly into outlets, never into an extension cord or power strip.
  • Always use the right kind of fuel, specified by the manufacturer, for fuel burning space heaters.
  • Install and maintain carbon monoxide and smoke alarms inside your home and business.  Test alarms monthly.
  • Have heating equipment and chimneys cleaned and inspected every year by a qualified professional.
  • When using a wood-burning fireplace, make sure the fireplace has a sturdy screen to help prevent sparks from flying into the room.  Ashes should be cool before putting them in a metal container.  Keep the container a safe distance away from your home or business.

Fast Fact:

50% of all residential heating-related fires are reported during the months of December, January, and February

If fire or smoke damage does happen, remember that we are always here to help. 

SERVPRO of Braun Station’s Recipe for Cooking Safety

11/25/2014 (Permalink)

Thanksgiving turkey Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! Please have a safe one!

Each November, families gather to celebrate Thanksgiving by preparing a delicious feast, but if you don’t practice safe cooking habits, your happy holiday could become hazardous very quickly.  According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking is the main cause for home fires and injuries, with Thanksgiving being the peak day for cooking- related fires.  Review the following safety tips to help ensure you enjoy a safe holiday.

  • Do not wear loose clothing or dangling sleeves while cooking.
  • Never leave cooking food unattended- stay in the kitchen when frying, grilling or broiling food.  If someone must leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, they should turn off the stove.
  • Check food regularly while cooking and remain in the home while cooking.  Use a timer as a reminder that the stove or over is on.
  • Keep the kids away from the cooking area.  Enforce a “kid-free zone” and make them stay at least three feet away from the stove.
  • Keep anything flammable- pot holders, oven mitts, wooden utensils, paper or plastic bags, food packaging, and towels or curtains- away from the stove, oven or any other appliance in the kitchen that generates heat.
  • Clean cooking surfaces on a regular basis to prevent grease buildup.
  • Purchase a fire extinguisher to keep in the kitchen.  Contact the local fire department to take training on the proper use of extinguishers.
  • Always check the kitchen before going to bed or leaving the home to make sure all stoves, ovens, and small appliances are turned off.
  • Install a smoke alarm near the kitchen, on each level of the home, near sleeping areas, and inside and outside bedrooms.  Use the test button to check it each month.  Replace all batteries at least once a year. 

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  SERVPRO of Braun Station is here to help, even on holidays if fire or water damage tries to ruin your holiday season, and are a phone call away at (210) 267-2159.

SERVPRO in San Antonio Knows The Behavior of Smoke

11/21/2014 (Permalink)

A fire loss can result in complex damages because of the unique behavior of smoke.  A trained professional should survey the loss site to determine the extent to which fire, smoke, heat, and moisture impacted building materials and contents.

Your local SERVPRO of Braun Station Professionals know smoke can penetrate various cavities within the structure, causing hidden damage and odor.  Our knowledge of building systems helps us investigate how far smoke damage may have spread.  Here are some facts you may not know about smoke:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

The Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke- wet and dry.  As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire.  Before restoration begins, a SERVPRO of Braun Station Professional will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting.  Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary.  Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke  - Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises, therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue

  • Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire
  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor.

Fuel Oil Soot – Furnace Puff Backs

  • While “puff backs” can create havoc for homeowners, SERVPRO of Braun Station Professionals can, in most cases, restore the contents and structure quickly.

Other TypesTear gas, fingerprint powder and fire extinguisher residue

  • Special loss situations require special care.  SERVPRO of Braun Station Professionals are trained to handle even the toughest losses.

San Antonio: As fall arrives are you Fire Ready?

11/13/2014 (Permalink)

Fire charred tile flooring Don't let fire ruin your fall holidays. In San Antonio? Call SERVPRO of Braun Station

For many people, the fall season is a time to enjoy cooler temperatures, beautifully colored leaves and family oriented get togethers, like Thanksgiving.  While you are busy whipping up delicious dishes, it is also important to take time to remember safety. 

Cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires and home fire-related injuries in the United States.  The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports U.S. fire departments respond to an estimated average of 156,600 home structure fires each year- that is two of every five fires reported.  These fires are responsible for thousands of injuries and more than $853 million in property damage.  By taking a few precautions, you can help ensure your holiday plans don't go up in smoke! 

 A fire extinguisher can be a life saving tool when used correctly.  The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) recommends individuals are properly trained in order to use and maintain an extinguisher.  USFA says an extinguisher should only be used if:

  • You have alerted other occupants and someone has called the fire department;
  • The fire is small and contained to a single object, such as a wastebasket;
  • You are safe from the toxic smoke produced by the fire;
  • You have a means of escape identified and the fire is not between you and the escape route; 
  • Your instincts tell you that it is safe to use an extinguisher

Your local SERVPRO of Braun Station Professionals want you to stay safe for the holidays.  If you do experience a fire or water damage, we are here to help you make it, "Like it never even happened."  Call us at (210) 267-2159.

San Antonio What is Your Fire Escape Plan?

10/17/2014 (Permalink)

Severely fire damaged contents Be safe as fire season approaches. Call SERVPRO of Braun Station if fire damages your home or office.

Every second counts during a fire.  In just a matter of moments, a small flame can turn into a major fire, making it critical to be prepared by having an escape plan in place.  A survey conducted by the American Red Cross shows only 26 percent of families have actually developed and practiced a home fire escape plan.  Once a plan is developed, it is important to ensure everyone in the home understands the plan; the best way to do this is by practicing the escape plan at least twice a year.  The following are a few suggestions to help you develop an emergency escape plan for your family.

  • Draw a map of each level of your home and show all doors and windows.  Find two ways to get out of each room.  Make sure all doors and windows that lead outside open easily.
  • Consider escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second and third floor.
  • Choose an outside meeting place a safe distance in front of your home where everyone can meet after they’ve escaped.  Make sure to mark the location of the meeting place on your escape plan.
  • Teach children how to escape on their own in case you cannot help them.
  • Have a plan for everyone in your home who has a disability.

Escape Planning for Your Business

Although an emergency escape plan is not required for all businesses, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends building an emergency action plan to protect yourself, your employees, and your business during an emergency situation.  OSHA suggests the following steps when developing such a plan.

  • Organize an Emergency Preparedness Procedures review with employees to review your company’s emergency plans.  You may wish to select an individual(s) to lead and coordinate your emergency plan.
  • Once a plan is developed, post evacuation procedures, including routes and exits, where they are easily accessible to all employees.  Ensure all exits and routes are clearly marked and well lit, wide enough to accommodate the number of evacuating personnel, and unobstructed and clear of debris at all times.
  • Conduct office evacuation exercise and drills.  Designate a safe spot outside of the facility where employees can regroup, recover and conduct a head count.  Once completed, evaluate how well the plan worked and if additional training or exercises are needed.

SERVPRO of Braun Station is here to help with all of your business Emergency Readiness Plans (ERPs).  We are only a phone call away at 210-267-2159 if fire does invade your home or office.